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Wake up and smell the KPFA thing (LAB elections)

From: Barbara J Ruether br385@j...
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2001 4:12 pm
Subject: Re: [WBAIelections] Re: Enough is Enough

Jim's ponts are well taken. Frankly the longer that the producer component of the movement fails to really support the move for elections now, the more this listener has to begin to mistrust their motives. What has happened, and will continue to happen, is that listeners will begin to question why they cannot have elections now. KPFA listeners didn't wait around, and finally forced the station to share the lists. The point is listeners have to wait on everyone else's agenda even after trying to get cooperation from the other groups doesnt' make sense anymore. The more the listeners build towards elections, the more the PNB is pressured. The better the LISTENERS will be in terms of the lawsuits. Anything else here is fiddling while Rome burns if we don't get to it on elections. Another question, who says there can't be more than one set of actions going on simultaneously, that would make g-d sense.unless of course, you truly do not want the elections to go forward.

I don't care if so and so didnn't do right in the past, I demand that they do right now by supporting elections. If KPFA could, why can't we?



From: wmmmandel@e...
Date: Thu Sep 6, 2001 1:36 pm
Subject: Elections: WBAI and KPFA

I would not presume to offer an opinion about how New York should proceed. I am impressed, however, with how much better the situation has become at KPFA because of the elections. It took a tremendous amount of work over a long period of time, and about $12,000 had to be raised to reach the people whose addresses were acquired. The extremely careful agreement about representation of programmers, paid staff, executives, listeners, with built-in assurance of representation of people of color and women, has given the KPFA LAB a prestige that no previous Pacifica body of any kind has ever had. The fact that executives are included has won us access to the mailing list. The biggest achievement was the extraordinary percentage of subscribers who voted, essentially unprecedented for a nonprofit, and extremely high even for a labor union except during a strike. I think careful consideration should be given to these facts.

Bill Mandel

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