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Local Station Board ELECTIONS info

Elections events on EVENTS PAGE

This wbai.net elections page has gone through several stages. A couple of years ago, before the lawsuits settlement determined that local station boards though out Pacifica would be elected, this page promoted the position of having elections and gave information on how Pacifica sister station KPFA had conducted their elections. This page focused on information regarding the KPFA election model and proportional representation voting as these were the to be the starting point of whatever elections procedure resulted from the Pacifica bylaws revision process.

Last year Pacifica ratified the revised bylaws and held it's first network wide elections and official Pacifica websites finally began fulfilling their obligation to provide real information to listeners and staff. Elections information links are provided below.


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2006 WBAI LSB election results

12-1-04: WBAI LSB Election Results
WBAI/Pacifica Elections Overview and Timeline
Pacifica LSB Candidates 2004

10-28-04: Clarification of Staff Fair Campaign Rules
10-25-04: Gary Null Election Violation Ruling
10-18-04: Pacifica Election Update - dates changed
10-4-04: Pacifica Election Update
9-13-04: Memo Regarding Staff Conduct During Pacifica Elections
8-26-04: New WBAI Election Supervisor
8-23-04: WBAI Election Supervisor Resigns
8-12-04: WBAI LSB Membership Waivers Resolution
7-25-04: 2004 Nominations Period Has Begun
7-22-04: Pacifica Local Election Supervisors Appointed
5-31-04: New Pacifica Elecions Supervisor

//////////////    PREVIOUS ELECTIONS    //////////////

2-9-04: Pacifica Local Station Board elections results

Elections section at wbai.org (official WBAI website):

WBAI LSB Elections:
Huh-What?! Confused??

WHO's WHO: 2003 WBAI Elections Slates and Candidates

Pacifica.org elections section:

New WBAI elections online discussion list:

Elections events on EVENTS PAGE

9-18-03: WBAI/Pacifica elections primer
  From WBAI Elections Supervisor Joy Williams
9-18-03: Pacifica Elections Rules
  Amended through 11-19-03
10-23-03: WBAI/Pacifica Elections Schedule
Pacifica Elections Vote Counting Procedures

Proportional Representation - made easy
Single Transferable Voting - Max does the math

•2-25-04: Pacifica press release on elections
•2-7-04: KPFT, KPFA, KPFK, WPFW, WBAI achieve quorum
•2-4-04: Pacifica Affiliates PNB election notice
•1-6-04: Pacifica elections Late Ballot Procedure
•1-20-04: Write-in Votes Allowed

• 1-18-04: Controversy regarding campaign mailing to WBAI listener list
•1-17-04: KPFA Candidate quiz
• 1-13-04: WBAI LSB election disqualifications and violations
• 12-16-03: New elections supervisor for WPFW
• 11-12-03: Single Transferable Voting - Max does the math
• 11-9-03: WBAI UnPaid Staff registration notice and form
• 11-03: WBAI upaid staff union agreement
• 11-10-03: Election Tasks for Pacifica Stations and GMs
• 10-23-03: Court ruling: Final Pacifica elections schedule
• 10-20-03: National Election Supervisor on membership waivers
• 9-25-03: Pacifica executive director elections announcement
• 9-8-03: National Elections Supervisor appointed
• 9-5-03: Request to iPNB for a strong elections support resolution
• 9-5-03: Petition for Pacifica elections now
• 7-21-03: WBAI Local Elections Forum held at the station
7-8-03: Pacifica elections primer
6-13-03: Appointment of WBAI's local election supervisor
6-6-03: Cynthia McKinney on Proportional Representation
6-2-03: "Full Representation" voting makes a difference in Scotland and Wales
5-6-03: Local station area elections supervisors appointed
4-22-03: Proportional respresentation voting in the upcoming Pacifica elections
4-6-03: Pacifica National Elections Supervisor Hired
3-9-02: Local Station Board Elections Task Chart
Proportional Representation - made easy
Lani Guinier on Cumulative Voting (a form of Proporational Representation)
The KPFA model for local station board elections
How the KPFA elections model works
KPFA LAB elections guidelines
KPFA LAB election FAQs
KPFA election official results - data etc.
Article on proportional representation voting
KPFK GM search committee single transferable vote style election
Single transferable voting fractions explained
Proportional Representation and NYC School Board elections
www.fairvote.org - Center for Voting and Democracy.
www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/polit/damy/prlib.htm - Proportional Representation Library.

Pacifica bylaws revisions section

2-23-02: Election proposal comparison chart
1-13-02: Concerned Friends of WBAI Democratization Statement
12-17-01: KFPA election results
11-14-01: Houston LAB elections
11-7-01: Elections: a few models
10-30-01: KPFA Elections: Meet the Candidates
9-27-01: KPFA LAB elections in effect
9-2-01: KPFA elections: request for contributions
8-16-01: KPFA LAB elections underway
8-4-01: CF Elections Committee Procedure Proposal FAQs
7-26-01: Coordinating Committee of CF Open letter to the WBAI LAB
7-18-01: CF of WBAI Elections Committee Procedure Proposal
5-21-01: Elections Committee letter to WBAI LAB



Calling All WBAI Radio Listeners

Elect people from your community who are deicated to the principles of free speech and
democracy to represent your interests on the
local board.

There was a lawsuits settlement on December 12, 2001 between the "old" Pacifica national board (the defendants) and people aiming to reclaim Pacifica and turn it back to it's mission (the plantiffs). A part of this settlement mandates the the inclusion of "listener-members" in the Pacifica foundation with the right to elect the members of the local boards for each of the five stations. The specific bylaws concerning the details of what will be the elections procedure are currently being worked out.

From the lawsuits settlement:

2. Term of Interim Board.
The Interim Board will serve for a term of fifteen (15) months from the date of the first meeting of the Interim Board, at the end of which time all directors will resign in favor of directors to be elected pursuant to new bylaws, as described in Paragraphs 3(b), 3(c), 4. LAB elections pursuant to new bylaws will be held one year from the date of the first meeting of the Interim Board, and within three months after the LAB elections the election of a new national board will take place. An application may be made to the Court to extend the term of the Interim Board, by two-thirds of the Interim Board, a "balanced majority" of the Interim Board (i.e, with at least one person from each of the three groups that designated Interim Board members (Majority Members, Minority Members and LAB Chairs)), or a majority of three (3) of the five (5) LABs, on the ground that there is a reasonable probability that an extension is necessary to complete the revision and adoption of bylaws and the holding of elections.
3. Work of the Interim Board.
c. Develop a comprehensive plan for, and oversee, elections of members of the LABs, pursuant to new bylaws, which elections will be held at the end of one year following the first meeting at which the Interim Board is seated and conducts business. The KPFA model will be the starting point for the new bylaws concerning election of LAB members, and will be modified as needed. Guidelines will be issued to ensure access to air and to avoid any abuses that would prevent fair elections.

The Goal of elections and listener-member/staff involvement in Pacifica:

To defend and insure the fulfillment of Pacifica's founding principles.


1. To provide a voting structure that represents the broad racial, ethnic, class and gender constituencies in the WBAI listening area.

2. To promote the democratization of the Pacifica National Board which is currently self-appointing, which now has no accountability to listeners and which threatens the structure, viability and program content of every Pacifica station.

3. To ensure a process that safeguards against manipulation by outside interests that may seek to subvert the founding principles of Pacifica.

4. To coordinate our efforts as closely as possible with work on democratization by those in other Pacifica station areas.

Pacifica's articles of incorporation establish a Foundation organized and operated on the principle of community contributions and participation in the specific areas as set forth in the charter.

Founding Principles from the Pacifica Charter

"In radio broadcasting operations to provide outlets for the creative skills and energies of the community; to conduct classes and workshops in the writing and producing of drama; to establish awards and scholarships for creative writing; to offer performance facilities to amateur instrumentalists, choral groups, orchestral groups and music students; and to promote and aid other creative activities which will serve the cultural welfare of the community.

"In radio broadcasting operations to engage in any activity that shall contribute to the lasting understanding between nations and the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors; to gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all such groups; and through any and all means compatible with the purposes of this Corporation, to promote the study of political and economic problems and of the causes of religious, philosophical and racial antagonisms.

"In radio broadcasting operations, to promote the full distribution of public information; to obtain access to sources of news not commonly brought together in the same medium; and to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally affecting the community."

By electing their representatives, the listeners will be able to hold the LABs accountable to those who value and support these principles and who have invested in the network through financial contributions and/or volunteering time and labor at the stations. KPFA in Berkeley has already effected democratic change by devising and carrying out the first listener elections to replace the former Local Advisory Board (LAB) with democratically elected listener and staff representatives. When the current illegally seated national board is removed, this newly structured KPFA station board will communicate directly with a new national board, reversing the top down governance structure and replacing it with a truly democratic model.
To find out more, please see other sections of this website and sites listed below and call the CdPNY hotline number:

Hotline (212) 465 7562

http://www.cfdp.org Coalition for a Democratic Pacifica. CdP is the California Group that planned and organized the recent LAB elections for KPFA in Berkeley.

http://www.savepacifica.net/election_survey.html Survey given to KPFA listeners to democratically determine which qualifications would be necessary to run for the LAB.

WBAI Local Area Board email discussion list at: