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Archived sections:
PNN strike
Official resolutions and statements of support

Archived articles: 2-4-04: Pacifica Affiliates PNB election notice
2-3-04: KPFA General Manager moves on
2-1-04: WBAI Election Supervisor Re-Qualifies Candidate
1-28-04: iPNB meeting on elections - notes
1-23-04: WBAI Budget committee notes
1-20-04: Write-in Votes Allowed
1-17-04: Take the challenge! The KPFA Candidate quiz
1-18-04: Controversy regarding campaign mailing to WBAI listener list
1-13-04: WBAI LSB election disqualifications and violations
1-10-04: WBAI General Manager on programming
1-10-04: WBAI staff programming retreat notes
1-6-04: Pacifica elections Late Ballot Procedure
1-5-04: WHO's WHO: WBAI Elections Slates and Candidates
12-18-03: WBAI Budget committee notes
12-17-03: WBAI/Pacifica elections discussion on nyc.indymedia.org
12-17-03: WBAI Program Council notes
12-16-03: New elections supervisor for WPFW
12-11-03: Pacifica Year End Income Statement [PDF -159kb] From pacifica.org
12-8-03: WBAI PD Plan tabled - Program Council notes
12-8-03: iPNB $5 membership plan not legal
12-8-03: More on the Pacifica financial crisis

12-7-03: iPNB teleconference meeting: report and minutes
12-5-03: WBAI Financial Crisis Report
11-29-03: Notice of 12-7-03 iPNB teleconference meeting
11-24-03: iPNB teleconference meeting draft minutes: Lydia Brazon (KPFK area) seated.
11-20-03: Matsimela email regarding the WBAI election
11-17-03: DRAFT Minutes - ipnb 11/17/03 meeting re waivers, etc.
11-18-03: iPNB Secretary: A call to join by Nov. 21, crisis report
11-16-03: WBAI GM Programming Changes and Reform Plan
11-16-03: Alert: Outrageous Police attack on activists of color in Brooklyn
11-14-03: WBAI layoffs delayed: Staff meeting notice
11-14-03: WBAI in Financial Crisis: brief report
11-13-03: List of WBAI paid staff, consultants and vendors
11-13-03: Opinion: Bankrupting WBAI and Pacifica ?
11-12-03: Single Transferable Voting - Max does the math
11-12-03: DRAFT Minutes - iPNB 11/12/03 meeting re bequest, national programming
11-10-03: TBWT: WBAI GM's former project is revitalized
11-10-03: Election Tasks for Pacifica Stations and GMs
11-9-03: WBAI UnPaid Staff registration notice and form
10-23-03: Court ruling: Final Pacifica elections schedule
10-20-03: National Election Supervisor on membership waivers
10-14-03: WBAI LAB member, activist Jon Cohen dies
10-7-03: iPNB member [WPFW area]Bert Lee passes away after a long illness.
10-6-03: The "Goodlight" discussion list - a statement and an appeal
10-4-03: Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally: KPFA crew shut out of broadcast
9-27-03: Latino protest: lack of inclusion at WBAI
9-25-03: Pacifica executive director elections announcement
9-22-03: Current article on Pacifica and the new bylaws
9-19-03: Sept.03 iPNB NYC meeting DRAFT minutes
9-19-21-03: iPNB meeting, NYC: meeting notes, minutes, info
9-19-03: Proposal for women's Equity at WBAI
9-19-03: Proposal for more for coverage of Pacifica news on Pacifica
9-18-03: WBAI/Pacifica elections primer
9-15-03: Court Confirms ratification of new Pacifica bylaws
9-12-03: Pacifica in court over bylaws, elections schedule
9-10-03: Unpaid producer's union meeting
9-9-03: Commentary on special iPNB meeting: Pacifica hijacked again? [minutes added 9-11-03]
9-9-03: WBAI LAB meeting notes

9-8-03: Pacifica appoints Elections Supervisor
9-5-03: Petition for Pacifica elections now
9-5-03: Request to iPNB for a strong elections support resolution
9-2-03: iPNB meeting minutes:
8-30-03: Pacifica bylaws etc: what is the reality these days?
8-26-03: Notice of Sept. 2 special iPNB meeting
8-26-02: Request for special iPNB meeting to set elections schedule
8-25-03: An overview of the adopted Pacifica bylaws
8-23-03: KPFK LAB approves Pacifica bylaws 12-11
The required approval of 2/3rds of the iPNB and 3 of 5 LABs has now been achieved.
Meeting audio at: http://www.kpftx.org
new Pacifica bylaws
NOTICE of new Pacifica bylaws
Pacifica bylaws committee chair statement
settlement agreement [mandating this bylaws revision] lila

"By-laws aren't political. They're how you run your group. Anything else is a result of who you elect or put in charge." -- Lila Hummel 8-23-03      [more on this]
8-18-03: iPNB Chair's notes from bylaws mediation in Chicago [updated 8-23-03]
8-16-03: WBAI unpaid staff call for new representative on Local Advisory Board
8-6-03: Update regarding upcoming bylaws mediation
8-4-03: KPFK LAB revote to pass Pacifica bylaws blocked by chair. Audio at: kpftx.org
8-3-03: Ed Herman Supports ratifying Pacifica bylaws Draft B
8-3-03: KPFK LAB receives 309 emails urging passage of Pacifica bylaws on Aug 4 , 18 against...
7-29-03: NYC Indymedia center article on Pacifica
7-27-03: August iPNB meeting postponed. Bylaws negotiation meeting scheduled
7-25-03: Pacifica audit complete

7-22-03: WBAI LAB votes no on bylaws - makes resolution
7-21-03:: KPFK LAB votes no on bylaws
7-20-03: With regard to racism at Pacifica
7-13-03: L.I. and N.J. Friends of WBAI ask LAB to ratify Pacifica bylaws
7-10-03: History of Race Relations at KPFA Berkeley
7-9-03: KPFT and KPFA LABs ratify draft B
7-9-03: WPFW LAB rejects Draft B
7-8-03: Pacifica elections primer
6-26-03: interim Pacifica national board meeting NOTES
6-25-03: How you indentify the 'diversity' of the programming?
6-24-03: KPFK LAB votes for bylaws Draft B
6-21-03: Website for Pacifica statistics: pacificalabs.org/Pacifica
6-21-03: More endorsements for bylaws Draft B
6-21-03: The bylaws debate at Pacifica
6-20-03: Repsonse to message sent to Pacifica affiliates re: bylaws
6-18-03: iPNB approves 6-26-03 conference call vote on bylaws - audio: kpftx.org
6-19-03: Drafts A, B, and C of proposed Pacifica bylaws
6-19-03: Draft comparison grid
6-13-03: WBAI 2003 fiscal year budget: pacifica.org/documents/pdf/WBAI_Budget2003.pdf
6-13-03: Appointment of WBAI's local election coordinator
6-11-03: KPFA and WPFW general manager changes
6-10-03: Diversity Language committee proposal and bylaws draft B side by side
6-10-03: Essay: Finish the bylaws revision process, Elections Now
6-9-03: In Favor of bylaws draft B
6-4-03: In Favor of bylaws draft A
6-9-03: Lani Guinier comments regarding Diversity language committee draft
6-9-03: Lani Guinier on Cumulative Voting
6-26-03: interim Pacifica national board bylaws meeting - NOTES
6-6-03: Cynthia McKinney on Proportional Representation

6-11-03: Diversity Language committee: "minority report"
6-9-03: iPNB conference call draft minutes - NYC meeting postponed
6-7-03: Notice of sSpecial iPNB via conference call meeting
6-6-03: KPFA Station Board reaffirms its support of Draft B
6-6-03: Diversity Language committee - final draft
6-5-03: Pacifica diversity bylaws language committee meeting audio: kpftx.org
6-4-03: Responses to Lawyer Lubell's review of Diversity language committee draft
6-3-03: WBAI LAB meeting audio: radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=7174
6-2-03: Lawyer Lubell's review of Diversity language committee draft
6-2-03: "Full Representation" voting makes a difference in Scotland and Wales
6-2-03: The NYC "Unity Caucus" attacks wbai.net, dominates WBAI airwaves
5-31-03: Diversity Language committee: Documents sent to the lawyers.
5-26-03: Rosenberg's DLC lawyer: conflict of interest?
5-20-03: Draft diversity language - Fertig's update
5-20-03: Draft diversity language - Hamanaka interpetation and discussion
5-17-03: KPFK Bylaws Subcommittee proposed changes to bylaws draft
5-16-03: Listener research: Listener rights and public information
5-15-03: Diversity bylaw language idea - from Spooner
5-15-03: KPFA and KPFT LABs endorse bylaws draft B
5-14-03: Diversity Language committee: Draft Language re: Bylaws
5-14-03: Diversity Language committee meeting: draft minutes
5-10-03: wbai.org launches bylaws/governance section: wbai.org/about/bylaws_governance.asp
5-9-03: Pacifica's function: to increase listenership?
5-8-03: Bob Fass Special program on Pacifica bylaws revision: audio on http://kpftx.org
5-6-03: Pacifica Diversity Language Committee: lawyer's proposed language
5-6-03: Responses to lawyer's diversity language draft
5-6-03: Local station area elections coordinators appointed
5-1-03: Essay: Why Pacifica Listeners Need to Know What's Happening With Their Network
4-28-03: Is wbai.net biased?
4-24-03: Is there anything wrong with appointed seats?
4-22-03: Proportional respresentation voting in the upcoming Pacifica elections
4-20-03: Are diversity bylaws risky?
4-19-03: Has the NYC "Unity Caucus" hijacked Pacifica?
4-18-03: iPNB phone meeting notes: iPNB further delays bylaws approval
4-18-03: iPNB phone meeting secretary draft minutes
4-18-03: WBAI LAB proposal and accusations

4-7-03: Is this how it is in WBAI land?
4-6-03: Pacifica National Elections Coordinator Hired
4-6-03: iPNB member in L.A. supports passing bylaws
4-2-03: Proposed Pacifica bylaws: drafts A and B
4-1-03: Statistics for KPFA apprenticeship program
3-29-03: Pacifica diversity bylaw committee related documents
3-10-03: iPNB Secretary's L.A. meeting notes and bylaws changes
3-7-03: March 7, 8, & 9 iPNB L.A. meeting: daily notes and audio
3-5-03: Proposed affirmative action policy from Carol Spooner
3-3-03: Pacifica chief financial officer appointed
3-3-03: Notice of 3-4-03 iPNB phone bylaws meeting
3-3-03: WBAI LAB Affirmative Action statement and proposed bylaw
3-3-03: A few responses to WBAI LAB Affirmative Action statement and proposal
2-28-03: "Corrected Final Draft" Proposed revision of Pacifica bylaws [180 kb html]

2-25-03: iPNB LA meeting postponed
2-19-03: Re: Carol Spooner and the free Pacifica movement - a little perspective
2-18-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting minutes
2-14-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting minutes
2-14-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting info
2-13-03: The bylaws draft: Responses, resolutions and proposals
2-12-03: More diversity bylaw proposals
2-11-03: Pacifica bylaws draft - previous version [ 132kb html]
2-7-03: Pacifica executive director report
2-7-03: [Old]revised bylaws completion timeline
2-6-03: Props to Andrea Fishman

1-31-03: iPNB bylaws revision committee minutes/audio
1-30-03: WBAI general manager report to the listener
1-21-03: Bylaws draft responses etc.
1-21-03: Gender make-up of WBAI paid staff
1-18-03:: D.C. Peace rally on the Pacifica network
1-17-03: Revised and legally reviewed draft of proposed Pacifica bylaws
1-16-03: Situation worsens for WBAI reporter Farouk Abdel Muhti
1-14-03: Ethnicity figures of Pacifica listening areas
1-14-03: WBAI LAB proposes "In-reach" for elections
1-12-03: The 5 LABs vote on bylaws
1-9-03: Proposed diversity requirements and the law
1-3-03: Judge grants deadline extension
1-3-03: 1-3-03 iPNB personel committee meeting notes and audio
12-31-02: Matthew Lasar: dialogue oriented programming at Pacifica

12-30-02: WBAI report to the listener audio: radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=6110
12-28-02: WPFW LAB vote on bylaws
12-18-02: Statement from new WBAI GM Don Rojas
12-21-02: Bylaws revision items for the 5 LABs
12-18-02: Pacifican Erling Rohde dies
12-17-02: WBAI LAB meeting audio and notes
12-17-02: WBAI LAB: what's going on??
12-15-02: Wonderwheel essay on community radio democracy
12/6-8/02: D.C. iPNB meeting NOTES, documents and audio
12-16-02: Race and Population Distribution in the WBAI Signal Area
12-12-02: Audio of WBAI LAB report: www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php?id=6011
12-11-02: The KPFA LAB votes on bylaws
12-8-02: iPNB statement to the FCC
12-7-02: Report on Pacifica Affiliates

12-8-02: Infighting threatens Pacifica
12-3-02: Five LAB votes on elections models
12-5-02: petition from the WBAI area "unity caucus"
12-3-02: Zakiya bylaws draft - from WPFW area
12-3-02: WBAI LAB meeting notes
12-3-02: 2 WBAI lab members' statements supporting the constituency model
11-29-02: How the KPFA elections model works
11-29-02: Hybrid elections proposal - final version
11-27-02: New general manager for WBAI
11-24-02: Pacifica bylaws drafts consolidation - REVISED IN HOUSTON [159kb MS Word ]
11-23-02: pacifica.org webmaster report
11/22-24/02: Houston iPNB bylaws meeting NOTES and documents,
11-20-02: WBAI area "Unity Caucus" responds to criticism of constituency model
11-11-02: Improving diversity in the KPFA elections model
11-10-02: Spooner analysis of Revised constituency model
11-9-02: Revised constituency model - spliced into proposed Pacifica bylaws

11-27-02: iPNB bylaws chair votes no on "hybrid" proposal
11-26-02: Revised Hybrid model is illegitimate
11-25-02: Hybrid elections proposal - revised
11-22-02: Pacifica fundraising report
11-20-02: Pacifica bylaws drafts consolidation - revised
11-20-02: Resolution re: WBAI on-air hosts on PNB
11-17-02: A view from the LAB minority on the constituency model
11-14-02: 11-14-02: WBAI LAB on morning show
11-14-02: Online petition: "Unencumbered Election of Boards"
11-12-02: WBAI bylaws subcommittee wants the KPFA model
11-9-02: EDITORIAL: The WBAI LAB and proposed elections policies
11-9-02: Constituency model difficulties
11-8-02: Repost: Petition for unified election procedures at Pacifica
11-8-02: Docs presented to the WBAI LAB 11-5-02 responding to the constituency model
11-5-02: Reaction to WBAI LAB support of constiuency model

10-31-02: Problems with the KPFK program director search committee
10-30-02: The controversy regarding KPFK station manager Eva Georgia
10-30-02: Approved Pacifica budget for 2003 (26 page pdf - 537kb)
10-26-02: The Pacifica Mission: what does it mean?
10-24-02: Qualifications for local and national board members?
10-24-02: Judge not by one's surface...
10-22-02: iPNB Bylaws Straw Poll votes in D.C. - Oct. 13-14
10-22-02: New schedule for next 2 upcoming iPNB meetings
10-22-02: An outsider's report on KPFT
10-21-02: A-Infos Radio Project, on-line Pacifica audio archive, Needs Your Support Now!
10-17-02: Free Speech Radio News update
10-14-02: Petition and documents calling for for unified Pacifica elections policies
10-13-02: Oct. 13-14 DC iPNB bylaws revision meeting daily notes and documents
10-13-02: "Unity Caucus" revised proposed pacifica statement of principles - revised
10-10-02: Small national straw poll on bylaws
10-9-02: Update: detained Palestinian activist/Pacifica reporter Farouk Abdel-Muhti
10-9-02: some response to statement of principles
10-8-02: Proposed Pacifica statement of principles - revised
10-8-02: A critique of the Constituency Model
10-5-02: Executive director Coughlin's plan for KPFK
10-4-02: KPFT controversy: Buzzanco speaks
9-27-02: Proposal for a Pacifica bylaws convention
9-21-02: interim Pacifica national board peace editorial
9-20-02: iPNB bylaws straw polls summary from Houston meeting
9-20-02: Houston iPNB meeting daily notes and documents
9-19-02: Constiuency/Inclusion model Pre bylaws draft and station board chart
9-19-02: The religious right is destroying public radio
9-13-02: Carol Spooner: Local verses national power
9-11-02: 9-11-02: Pacifica day-long national broadcast
9-10-02: Lopsided representation: iPNB composition chart
9-8-02: Reinventing the Folio
9-5-02: WBAI bylaws revision subcommittee straw polls as presented to iPNB

9-5-02: Null, Cagan, White, Van Isler on WBAI - audio
9-3-02: WBAI area "Unity Caucus" request time at upcoming iPNB meeting
9-2-02: Recent interim Pacifica National board meetings audio
9-1-02: Notes from iPNB bylaws revision meeting
9-1-02: KPFT bylaws revision subcommittee proposal [ 135kb ]
9-1-02: Study of gender make up at WBAI
8-31-02: Revised KPFA bylaws revision subcommittee proposal (B)
8-30-02: iPNB puts national office move to Berkeley on hold
8-29-02: Audio urls: Null, White, report to listeners, affiliates show
8-29-02: KPFK bylaws revision subcommittee proposal
8-27-02: Proposed compromise of relative powers of Local and National Boards
8-26-02: Audio of WBAI PD hosted bylaws show
8-25-02: Pacifica consolidated 4th Qtr. budget FY 2002
8-25-02: Report on iPNB finances meeting
8-23-02: Various upcoming iPNB phone conferencemeetings
8-23-02: WBAI Pacifica bylaws revision sub-committee straw polls-updated
8-22-02: KPFA organizational charts: staff by gender, race, income
8-22-02: Decentralization: How radical is Pacifica bylaws draft B?

8-19-02: Are Pacifica Local Advisory Boards being "Packed" ?
8-19-02: Proposed Union rights bylaw receives WBAI staff support
8-17-02: KPFA Diversity Committee Votes Support for annotated draft B
8-16-02: Some response to revised inclusion/constiuency model
8-16-02: Pacifica Public Meetings bylaw as integrated into Draft B
8-15-02: Pacifica management ethnic makeup
8-15-02: A Policy Governance model for organizations
8-13-02: From Houston: Weisgal bylaws draft based on drafts A and B
8-12-02: Annotated version of Pacifica Bylaws draft B
8-12-02: Inclusion/constituency model refined
8-12-02: KPFT bylaws outline

8-12-02: KPFK bylaws revision programming moves forward
8-8-02: New Pacifica National Bylaws online discussion group
8-7-02: WBAI program director report
8-7-02: Carol Spooner: Bylaws revision procedure update
8-6-02: WBAI LAB minutes for 8-6-02
8-6-02: Blanchet comparison chart for the 2 bylaws drafts
8-6-02: KPFK, WBAI - bylaws programming distress
8-4-02: KPFK area town hall meeting on August 4th
8-1-02: Beek overview of the 2 Pacifica bylaws drafts
7-27-02: Joe Kaye's: constituency model presentation, and some response
7-27-02: New e-group on Pacifica Diversity Resolution
7-25-02: the 2 bylaws drafts from Pacifica bylaws revision committee
7-23-02: Constituency/inclusion model(s): some back and forth
7-23-02: KPFK program council committee notes
7-23-02: iPNB Report on Democracy Now! agreement

7-22-02: 7-22-02 Meeting notes of the WBAI bylaws revision subcommittee
7-20-02: KPFA seeks program director
7-18-02: Ailing WBAI LAB member Jon Cohen: how to help
7-18-02: Pacifica bylaws revision on-air coverage
7-16-02: Other recent WBAI archived audio on-line (DN agreement discussion etc.)
7-16-02: Report: from iPNB special meeting regarding DN agreement
7-15-02: Executive Session of the iPNB to be held regarding DN! agreement
7-15-02: KPFK airs bylaws revision/governance programming
7-9-02: Democracy Now! statement regarding DN agreement
7-9-02: iPNB secretary's response to Democracy Now!'s response
7-6-02: Request for Special iPNB Meeting re: DN agreement plus legal analysis
7-7-2: Inclusion model of governance (constituency model updated)
7-5-02: iPNB secretary regarding Democracy Now! agreement
7-5-02: WBAI bylaws revision sub-committee straw polls summary
7-4-02: The Democracy Now!/Pacifica agreement
6-28-02: WBAI general manager search committee update

6-27-02: Regarding the Berkeley iPNB meeting and broadcast
6-21-02: Berkeley iPNB meeting daily notes and documents
6-18-02: proposals re: on-air policies for IPNB meeting
6-17-02: Pacifica Now! conference info
6-16-02: KPFK proposal for bylaws revision on-air coverage
6-14-02: Pacifica Executive director search update
6-14-02: Boston alternative radio news in trouble
6-13-02: Remembering Pacifican Jack Biello
6-12-02: Pacifica fundraising report
6-12-02: KPFA LAB June Treasurer's Report
6-10-02: Spooner Motions Re: Pacifica finances
6-9-02: KPFK bylaws subcommitee: "no appointed seats"
6-9-02: WBAI should broadcast the iPNB meeting
6-8-02: Free Speech Radio News update
6-7-02: June 21-23 iPNB Berkeley meeting info
6-7-02: Proposed Resolution on Race and Nationality at Pacifica
6-5-02: WBAI Report to the listener on-line
6-3-02: Choice-voting explanation and glossary
6-1-02: Pacifica Bylaws revision "bullet points"
5-30-02: WBAI advertises open General Manager position
5-29-02: Extensive elections procedure proposal (62kb)
5-28-02:KPFK gets new station manager
5-28-02: The constituency model
5-28-02: Some responses to the constituencey model
5-27-02: Bylaws revsion committee: May 31st deadline altered
5-26-02: Pacifica governance issues:need for national programming
5-22-02: Petition to Democracy Now! to cover Pacifica Bylaws revisions
5-22-02: Proposal for Pacifica Anti-Discrimination policy
5-18-02: KPFA: 2 proposed resolutions for the Pacifica National Board
5-18-02: East Timor independence broadcast: the CdPNY connection
5-12-02: Proposal for bylaws revision on-air reports
5-10-02: WBAI general manager search committee
5-9-02: Pacifica Matters: put it on the radio
5-7-02: Online audio of recent governance discussions on WBAI
5-6-02: Public input & giving notice: even the U.S. gov. does it
5-2-02: Pacifica hijacker has the nerve to demand your money?
5-2-02: Notes from special iPNB meeting on finances
5-1-2: "Pacifica Matters - a Culture for Democracy" a success
4-29-02: CF meeting: WBAI general manager search info
4-28-02: Pacifica issues: Put it on the radio!
4-26-02: WBAI reporter targeted by feds
4-20-02: Pacifica held all day national broadcast for peace live from D.C.
4-19-02: Some constiuency model talk
4-18-02: plenty of stuff a volunteer member could do
4-17-02: Notice of search for Pacifica executive director
4-16-02: 4-16-02 bylaws revision meeting audio online
4-16-02: KPFA program council report
4-15-02: Who gets to vote? Defining Pacifica may be the key
3-29-02: WBAI General Manager Search Committee

3-22-02: Friday (3-23)evening at WBAI: producer autonomy - opinions and editorial
3-22-02: Striking PNN Reporters ratify 3-10-02 agreement
3-22-02: 3-22-02 WBAI report to the listener audio on-line
3-22-02: Pacifica Bylaws revisions committee meeting info and relevent materials
3-21-02: KPFT has raised a record $300,000 so far in their fund drive.
3-20-02: The Pacifica struggle: What have we really won?
3-19-02: Houston Chronicle: Teresa Allen will appeal conviction
3-19-02: KPFA's programming council described
3-16-02: Pacifica "Mission Commission" being formed
3-14-02: TX: iPNB member wrongly convicted of trespassing on Pacifica property
3-12-02: Call for neutral bylaw writing facilitator for WBAI
3-8-10-02: LA iPNB meeting - Daily reports and documents
3-8-02: International Working Women's Day at WBAI
3-5-02: KPFA programming council report
3-5-02: Houston Radio Report: new issue out
3-5-02: Pacifica Accountants' Recommendations
3-3-02: "The Pacifica Experiment" on KPFK
3-2-02: WBAI area Outreach committees meet: minutes
3-02: "WBAI is Back" - flyer for download (78kb pdf)
2-28-02: Amazing historic national all day Pacifica broadcast rotates amongst studios at all 5 stations to to fund KPFK's transmitter restoration.

2-27-02: KPFA LAB meeting report
2-27-02: KPFK interim General Manager responds to Marc Cooper
2-22-02: WBAI fundraising drive clears $1 million in pledges
2-20-02: "WBAI is Back" - palmcard for download (495kb pdf)
2-20-02: The Nation's (magazine) gone to hell
2-16-02: Pacifica Press Release - PNN is outta there...
2-16-02: KPFK: yet more spewage
2-10-02: Labor buyout deal at WBAI
2-16-02: www.wbai.org begins to function again
2-5-02: Pacifica financial audit on-line as 863kb pdf file: http://www.pacifica.org/info/audit2502/paudt2502b.pdf

2-13-02: iPNB Secretary Carol Spooner reports
2-11-02: Friends of WBAI" newspaper from 1977!!
2-9-02: KPFK nudges forward
2-6-02: Interim Executive Director financial report
2-6-02: Houston moves forward
2-6-02: Hijacker Ferguson threatens to wreck Pacifica
2-1-02: Pacifica Campaign report: disturbing debt info
2-1-02: L.A. Times and New York Newsday coverage of Pacifica
1-30-02: World Economic Forum event info
1-30-02: WBAI 99.5 fm WEF coverage schedule
1-25-02: KPFK: Interim General Manager appointed
1-23-02: LAB, Pac Campaign, CF of WBAI and FSRN support lifting the boycott
1-23-02: iPNB secretary to CF regarding the Boycott
1-22-02: WBAI CF listener reps and management meet
1-22-02: MLK day in Houston
1-21-02: Unions at WBAI: Confused? Read this
1-21-02: Required reading: Pacifica struggle history repost
1-21-02: FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS airs on WBAI background info

1-18-02: The Houston LABs combine
1-16-02: Report from the Pacifica Campaign
1-15-02: MLK day: Fired and Banned morning show is back at WBAI
1-15-02: Pretzel logic in Los Angeles
1-15-02: Report from iPNB secretary Carol Spooner
1-13-02: Monday morning: Back into WBAI
1-13-02: Concerned Friends democratization statement
1-13-02: Listener/staff proposals presented at iPNB meeting
1-13-02: Concerned Friends of WBAI press release and iPNB meeting overview
1-11-13-02: Interim Pacifica National Board meeting in NYC - schedule etc.
1-11-02: Acting Pacifica Executive Director Joanne Meredith resigns
1-11-02: the iPNB meeting DAILY REPORTS
1-11-02: Let's stay cool at the meeting

1-10-02: Judge rules: WIN WIN!!!
1-10-02: LAB happenings and resolutions: Houston, D.C., Los Angeles, and NYC
1-9-02: Houston reseats Barnstone on iPNB
1-9-02: Major Houston resignations
1-9-02: KPFK's outgoing "management": avalanche of Orewellian hysteria
1-8-02: WBAI replaces Democracy Now! with lies, distortions and racist manipulation
1-7-02: Judge delays ruling on the 3 resolutions
1-7-02: Monday morning: WBAI refused to air Democracy Now!
1-5-02: Background on disrupter/hijacker iPNB member Lee and pal Gregory
1-7-02: Pacifica executive director resumes due Weds.1-9-02
1-6-02: LAB Elections forum - Berkeley visits NYC

1-4-02: Barney Goodman has Resigned!
1-4-02: Democracy Now! returns to Pacifica Monday 1-7-02
1-2-02: The 3 iPNB resolutions before the judge
12-30-01: Help determine next Pacifica executive director
12-29-01: REPORT: Pacifica Foundation Interim Board meeting
12-29-01: Pacifica Foundation Interim Board Meeting info
12-28-01: Mike Feder really lets it rip on WBAI
12-28-01: The court rejects hijacker Ganter's appointment to iPNB (!)
12-27-01: Houston: Illegitimate LAB is trying to illegally stick us with Ganter
12-23-01: Pacifica listener efforts needed now more than ever
12-22-01: Audio xmas card from Houston
12-22-01: "Undoing the [WBAI] Coup" Party a big success
12-22-01: NYC, L.A. - more bannings
12-22-01: Carol Spooner report: lawsuits officially settled
12-17-01:Important bylaws motion passed by Concerned Friends of WBAI

12-20-01: Interim Pacifica National Board appointees to be
12-17-01: KPFA Local Advisory Board Elections Results
12-17-01: Pacifica: set up a truth commission?
12-14-01: Press coverage of the settlement
12-14-01: Commentary: The Morning After....[ the settlement ]
12-14-01: Pac Campaign Update vs. The Question
12-13-01: Lawsuits settled: report from Carol Spooner
12-12-01: Lawsuits agreement reached in mediation
12-11-01: Utrice Leid RESIGNS Effective Immediately!!!
12-10-01: 2001: The hijackers drove away 40% of the listeners

12-8-01: 100K $till Needed!!! $25,000 matching fund for Listeners' Suit until Dec. 15
12-03-01:The hijackers are breaking the promises made in D.C. Contact them NOW
11-29-01: Concerned Friends of WBAI list of demands to the PNB
11-29-01: LAB meeting report from Houston
11-28-01: Scheduled Pacifica board mass resignation? No word yet.
11-28-01: A report from Los Angeles Local Advisory Board meeting
11-27-01:Text of 11-8-01 "Pacifica" national board resolution
11-26-01: Some pretty fancy footwork: Report on 11-26-01 WBAI LAB meeting
11-24-01: Carol Spooner on the PNB proposal
11-24-01: One cdpny Opinion: What needs to be next/what has been
11-22-01: Pacifica's current interm executive director is a robot
11-22-01: Don't these rats know how to swim?
11-19-01: Deja Vu: demands in D.C. look alot like Berkeley '99
11-18-01: REPORT FROM D.C. PNB MEETING: could this be it??
11-18-01: Pictures from the D.C. PNB meeting
11-16-01: Lew Hill's son speaks in D.C.

11-16-1: Friday evening: Brief report from "Pacifica" National Board meeting in D.C.
11-15-01: Fanny Mae email picket: Earthlink shuts us up! - Picket line reports
11-15-01: WBAI LAB to newly installed station manager: RESIGN NOW
11-14-01: Lynn Gerry: Getting Pacifica truly on track
11-14-01: Marion Barry: this is what the "Pacifica" national board looks like
11-14-01: David Giovanoni: how to destroy Pacifica
11-14-01: The railroading of the Public comment session in D.C.

11-14-0: JUST DO IT: Houston LAB election
11-12-01: D.C. meeting agenda: Renting out KPFA ???
11-11-01: It doesn't get any better than this...
11-9-01: 11-7-01 WBAI LAB meeting: an account
11-8-01: Mediations in CA end without signed agreement
11-7-01: Elections: a few models

11-6-01: "Pacifica" national board meeting in D.C Nov. 16, 17, 18 schedule and info
11-5-01: Concerned Friends of wbai coodinating committee: 2 resolutions
11-3-01: Nationally fired and banned at KPFK
11-2-01: "Pacifica" vice-chair resigns
11-2-01:Alice Walker & Studs Terkel appeal to fund FSRN
11-2-01: Boycott KPFK!
11-1-01: Pacifica Campaign report from D.C.
10-30-01: KPFA Elections: Meet the Candidates
10-25-01: Bessie W: wbai/"Pacifica" cranks up the explanations
10-24-01: 10 Free-Pacifica groups respond to new PNB chairman
10-24-01: Mediation of lawsuits set for November 1st
10-24-01: False bomb threat at KPFA
10-22-01: Pacifica Campaign report: more reasons to boycott
10-22-01: "Pacifica" vice-chair plans to sell kpfa and wbai
10-22-01: Community radio: a history and analysis
10-20-01: Free Speech Radio News does "Pacifica's" job: uncensored war coverage
10-19-01: KFPA: urgent concerns from Berkeley
10-19-01: Free Speech Radio News: letter to Farrell/chronology of censorship

10-19-01: Boycott statement from the Pacifica Campaign
10-19-01: wbai/pacifica boycott info
10-19-01: Oct. 19-21: wbix.org webcasts series of Pacifica Campaign media events
10-11-01: Lawsuits matching fund
10-7-01: The 2 things...
10-6-01: Outrageous behavior in Houston
10-5-01: Let's just WIN.
10-4-01: How "Pacifica's " AFTRA man sucks
10-2-01: Democracy Now! letter to so-called Pacifica national board
10-3-01: The 5 new directors added to the listener lawsuit
10-5-01: A History of "Pacifica's" new chairman
10-1-01: Smells like rebellion: "Affiliates in Exile"
10-1-01: "Democracy - now in exile" back on NYC airwaves
10-1-1: 10-1-01: CF coordinating committee meeting minutes
10-1-01: L.A. Times editorial
10-1-01: Regaining Pacifica: What Now??
9-28-01: New "Pacifica" board chairman Farrell's address
9-27-01: Three WBAI Broadcasters Websites shut down by George Bush
9-27-01: KPFA: this is what elections look like

9-27-01: Concerned Friends of WBAI action/outreach meeting agenda
9-25-01: Pacifica Campaign report and comments
9-24-01: Email of the week: War and peace by Bill Weinberg
9-24-01: Lawsuit update and a pep talk
9-19-01: 9-19-01: "Pacifica" illegally stacks the national board with more of their pals
9-8-01: This is what wheeling and dealing looks like
9-20-01: Solidarity from Madison and Boulder for Democracy Now!
9-20-01: "Democracy - now in exile" on NYC airwaves Oct. 1
9-18-01: 9-18-01: Sucky day in court
9-18-01: "Pacifica" National Board meeting: what else you can do
9-17-01: The destroyer of WBAI's programming promoted to national program director

9-15-01: "Pacifica" National Board will meet to pack the board
9-15-01: Important court session moved to 9-18-01
9-14-10: Pacifica Campaign listing of alternative coverage
9-14-01: Saturday 9-15-01:Special world crisis program on KPFA
9-12-01: WBAI was off the air, sought ISDN
9-11-01: Pacifica financial information

9-10-01: Leonard Peltier speaks out in support of Democracy Now!
9-9-01: "Pacifica" national PD: if these are for real...
9-7-01: Bob Fass puts Amy Goodman back on WBAI
9-6-01: Norman Solomon: KPFA rocks - The Nation doesn't
9-6-01: Houston publishes 2nd "tabloid" and goes after KPFT "manager"
9-5-01: pro-Democracy Now! celebs are p.o.'d
9-4-01: "Pacifica" National Porn Director ?
9-2-01: KPFA elections: request for contributions
9-1-01: Legal update: motions filed
9-1-01: PR Nation

8-31-01: "Pacifica's" lame PR firm
8-30-01: Dueling NY Daily News op-eds
8-30-01: NYC leafletting campaign info
8-29-01: 6 "Pacifica" National board members try to restore Democracy Now!
8-28-01: "Pacifica" scabs Democracy Now!
8-28-01: National Day of Outrage for Democracy Now!
8-27-01: A chronology of "Pacifica's" harrassment Democracy Now!
8-25-01: Democracy Now!/AFTRA: LA Times piece and a speech
8-25-01: "Pacifica" national board member Farrell: RESIGN NOW
8-25-01: Viva la resistance in Champaign, IL !
8-24-01: Democracy Now! ... emergency hearing results
8-24-01: Democracy Now! ... Aftra gets a clue
8-23-01: Edwin Johnston beats "Pacifca's" outrageous lies in Houston
8-22-01: Democracy Now! court hearing report
8-22-01: More "Pacifca" National Board self-selection, Sept. 19
8-23-01: More AFTRA sleaze
8-22-01: Emergency Pickets for Democracy Now! at WBAI
8-22-01: Yasko's spin on "Pacifica's" attack on Democracy Now!
8-21-01: Democracy Now! staff statement 8-21-01
8-21-01: Democracy Now!:KPFA coverage Weds, 8pm ... Yasko's number
8-20-01:WPKN: solidarity in CT
8-20-01: WEOS: solidarity in Geneva, NY
8-20-01: DEMOCRACY NOW! in Court
8-18-01: Goodlight message boards added for KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, and WPFW

8-18-01: A-Info (on-line audio archives) needs bucks
8-17-01: Stuff to do
8-16-01: Must be nice: KPFA LAB elections underway
8-16-01: Pacifica/Democracy Now! protest reports
8-14-01: DEMOCRACY NOW! in crisis
8-14-01: Carol Spooner on: Democracy Now!,   KPFA LAB,   Elections
8-13-01: So-called Pacifica renews efforts to pack the board 8-13-01
8-11-01: Striking PNN reporters' letter
8-10-01: Report regarding Democracy Now!
8-9-01: Free Speech Radio News (the real PNN) enters 4th month of daily casts
8-6-01: Brother Shine resigns from WBAI
8-3-01: Latest spewage from so called Pacifica national board
8-8-01: Vultures circling Democracy Now!

8-1-01: Health Action staff banned from WBAI
8-1-01: Patty's (CdPNY) 7-31-01 LAB meeting analysis
7-31-01: Goodlight moderator Frank's 7-31-01 LAB meeting impressions
7-29-01: Listener Sonia Rosen interviews WBAI staff (banned and not) on what's up
7-29-01: LAB member Mimi Rosenberg weighs in regardin elections
7-28-01: PNB: Important questions and points of information
7-27-01: Lawsuit update: In disarray and losing their grip
7-27-01: The cookie continues to crumble at WBAI
7-26-01: Open letter to the LAB from the Coordinating Committee of CF of WBAI
7-26-01: Free Speech stabbed in the back at WBAI...again
7-26-01: No, wait... a pro-election WBAI LAB member statement
7-25-01: Elections: How the WBAI Local Advisory Board really feels?
7-23-01: Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water...
7-22-01: Free Speech Radio news (the real Pacifica) witnessing hell in Genoa
7-19-01: More studpidity at 120 Wall St. (WBAI)
7-18-01: PNB member Andrea Cisco does everyone a favor
7-17-01: Great Reading: July 17 court transcripts
7-17-01: Court rejects so called "Pacifica national board" maneuver

7-16-01: Vigil in Brooklyn
7-16-01: Yow! Stop the packing of the "Pacifica" national board
7-15-01: "Security" at WBAI
7-15-01: Free expression on the high seas
7-12-01: So-called "Pacifica National board" aims to pull another fast one
7-12-01: Pacifica Campaign update - NAHB protests
7-10-01: Carol Spooner message (lawsuits)
7-9-01: Rule by Idiocy? - by Bill Wienburg
7-6-01: Nice Article on Pacifica
7-4-01: Noam Chomsky wants you to back Free Speech Radio News

7-3-01: 7-3-01 Pacifica Campaign Update
7-9-01: National day of action Against PNB member Ken Ford's NAHB
7-2-01: Post "Radio in Exile" strangeness on Long Island
6-29-01: Regarding negotiations with so-called Pacifica national board
6-29-01: PNB dissident members' memo to Board
6-29-01: 2nd Pacifica manager meeting picketed
6-29-01: Pacifica Managers secret meeting disrupted 6-28-01
6-26-01: "Pacifica" plans to waste more listener money attacking a free speech website
6-29-01: Keep the heat on national boardmember Andrea Cisco
6-21-01: "Pacifica" vice chair and the FBI
6-19-01: Call WBAI Stop the surviellence madness
6-17-01: Free-Pacifica/wbix at Clearwater festival
6-15-01: Important update from Carol Spooner
6-12-01: Pics and report on NYC forum on Pacifica
6-9-01: Pacifica Activists Hang Banner in DC
6-8-01: Action against PNB member Ken Ford in CA
6-6-01: FSRN Airs Mumia; Launches 2nd Month
6-6-01: Stringers strikers puts things straight

6-01: The Concerned Friends of WBAI "Tabloid" at wbai.net

6-6-01: Democracy Now! back on WBAI send flowers
6-5-01: Epstein Becker &Green Disrupted in NJ
6-5-01: Lawsuits Update
6-4-01: Activists march into WBAI control room
6-4-01: So called "Pacifica national board" to meet in NYC July 1st
6-1-01: CA Legislature Asks Pacifica For Records
5-28-01: Democracy Now! back on KPFK
5-23-01: Current Pacifica Management Is Full of Shit
5-22-01: Bylaws Amendments and the Lawsuits
5-22-01: Emergency National Day of Protest for Democracy Now!
5-21-01: Elections Committee letter to WBAI LAB
5-21-01: WBAI in exile webcast daily
5-19-01: Democracy Now! banned from WBAI/KPFK fund drives

5-18-01: Protester Meets w/ U. Leid
5-17-01: EBG disrupted
5-17-01: Democracy Now! still off the air !
5-16-01: Democracy Now! taken off the air
5-15-01: KPFK Elections Proposal
5-16-01: DC Hearings - Washington Postand on-line
5-15-01: Amy Goodman expelled from WBAI control room
5-11-01: Boycott Pacifica!: An Open Letter
5-10-01: Listener Lawsuit Hearings Tuesday, May 15
5-10-01: "Pacifica" attacks free speech websites
5-15-01: 5-15-01 DC Pacifica Hearings General & Travel info
5-3-01: National Board memo 5-3-01
5-3-01:  Activists visit Epstein, Becker & Green
5-15-01: Micheal Palmer finally resigns PNB
5-1-01: banning: what it's like

4-28-01: Pictures of 4-28-01 rally in NYC
4-28-01: More 4-28-01 rally pictures
4-28-01: Lawsuits Update - Some Good News!
5-7-01: 5-7-01 City Council meeting info
4-25-01: KPFA LAB Supports the Listeners Boycott
4-23-01: "Pacifica" goes through with lawsuits against free speech websites
4-24-01: KPFA Reporter ousted from WBAI
4-19-01: NYC Central Labor Council endorses April 28th march
4-18-01: KPFA's Landau Responds to PNN Director
4-12-01: Listeners respond to the WBAI "Report to the listener"
4-6-01: Bessie Wash Suprise Visit to KPFA
4-6-01 :Edwin Johnston demands retraction
4-2-01: Edwin Johnston legal fund
4-1-01: Dissident PNB statement on violence

3-31-01: "Grandpa" Al Lewis fired at WBAI
3-29-01: Report on 3-29-01 NYC LAB meeting
3-28-01: Behind The News hijacked at WBAI
3-28-01: F.A.I.R. reports on censorship by Pacifica
3-28-01: More audio on-line
3-28-01: PNB member Beth Lyons resigns
3-26-01: Democracy Now hijacked!
3-23-01: Arrest at KPFT

3-23-01: AFTRA rejects boycott, PLU responds
3-23-01: News regarding 3-23-01 L.A.Panel Discussion event
3-19-01: Juan Gonzalez on his debate with John Murdock on Democracy Now!
3-13-01: KTRU Houston got their cool college station back!
3-13-01: Charges Dropped Against SF Protestors
3-12-01: Audio of amazing gag busting WBAI news report
3-9-01: Important discussion of Pacifica national board's latest maneuver
3-9-01: Mario Murillo resigns WBAI morning show - on air
3-8-01: URGENT: Update on NYC City Council resolution #1723
3-8-01: Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade under pressure
3-8-01: Congressman Major Owens wants your emails now!
3-5-01: National Organizing Committee

3-5-01: Building Bridges Pulled off the Air !
3-4-01: Reports from Houston
3-2-01: Dissident Pacfica national board members agenda requests
3-2-01: Info for March 2-4 Pacifica nat'l board meeting in Houston
3-2-01: Houston Chronicle report on demo
2-28-01: Mumia audio regarding WBAI/Pacifica airs on Democracy Now!
2-27-01: WBAI/UE Local 404 files Unfair Labor Practice charges
2-22-01: GOOD NEWS regarding the LAWSUITS!
2-21-01: www.wbaifree.orgnow also under attack!

2-20-01: nice pictures of N.J. EBG demo
2-20-01: link to photos from NYC EBG protest
2-17-01: bylaw-petition.pdf -download (12.6kb)
2-15-01: NYC City Council resolution #1723 to support WBAI
2-15-01: NY Activists Disrupt Epstein, Becker & Green Seminar!
2-14-01: Democracy Now! CENSORED at WBAI.
2-13-01: Amy Goodman and Robert Knight Reportedly off morning show.
2-12-01: "Pacifica" attacks free speech websites
2-9-01: LA and Houston updates
2-8-01: Mumia weighs in
2-7-01: STOP the removal of the financial records!!!
2-6-01: STOP the bylaw changes

1-25-01: Bill Weinberg's letter to Newsday
1-24-01: Information on civil disobedience arrests in NYC and San Francisco
  ( adapted from www.savepacifica.net)
1-21-01: pictures from Jan.21 Pacifica rally in DC
1-19-01: Audio Interviews on WPKN's Between The Lines.
Bernard White, terminated WBAI Program Director
Utrice Leid, Interim WBAI General Manager
Leslie Cagan - Pacifica National Board Member

1-18-01: WBAI Union Statements
1-17-01: Transcript of Bernard White's interview
with Fired Station Manager Valerie Van Isler on Radio Vision, Cable Channel 34
1-6-01: Photos of January 6th Rally
1-6-01: Listeners' Lawsuits Documents
12-29/30-00: He Said - She Said - transcripts
Bernard White and Utrice Leid Speak Out about the WBAI crisis
12-27-00: PUNKCAST videoclips
Dec. 27th Strategy Planning Meeting of Concerned Friends of WBAI
12-25-00: Christmas Tales - Ready for comic relief?
12-22-00: memos to staff
12-24-00: A two hour special on KPFA on the Save Our Station MissionWBAI Coup
Featuring: Dennis Bernstein, Bernard White, Sharan Harper,
Erroll Maitland, Grandpa Al Lewis, Tomas Moran,
Sherry Gendelman, Barbara Lubin

12-23-00: The Christmas Coup at WBAI
12-22-00: Report of Dec. 22 takeover
the historical documents   :o)

Concerned Friends of WBAI
Held a Community Meeting
On Wednesday, Dec. 27th
Speakers: Bernard White, Janice K. Bryant
About 1200 people attended, mostly listeners determined to save WBAI
Audio, Video and Commentary can be found at:
Indy Media-NYC

On WBAI's Talkback!, Utrice Leid invited staff and listeners
to give their analyses of the WBAI situation,
the internal conflicts and the external attacks.

Download the mp3 file of this webcast here.
It's 74 minutes long.

11-27-00: Flanders Files. Democracy Now! or Never
11-8-00: Amy Goodman Speaks with President Clinton! Transcript & Audio.
10-26-00: KPFT Fires Producer Who Protested for "DN!"

Streaming Video, RealAudio, and photos
of the coast to coast October 25th rallies
to support Democracy Now!

WBAI New York
KPFA Berkley
KPFT Houston

2000: Film "KPFA on the Air" banned from use in fundraising by Pacifica
10-23-00: Protests in support of Democracy Now!
10-19-00: Crackdown on Democracy Now!
10/18/00: Amy Goodman statement
10-30-00: Public meeting to discuss Crisis at Pacifica
10-6-00: Judging Amy: Democracy Not!
10-2-00: Washington Square teach-in press release
10-00: Pacifica Censors KPFA Film
10-00: Vacancy Announcements
9-00: Ed Herman: Endgame at Pacifica
9-11-00: Pacifica National Board Meeting Transcripts June 9-11 2000
9-11-00: Audio Excerpts from the Pacifica National Board Meeting
7-20-00: WBAI GM Van Isler Overrules Selection Committee in WBAI PD Hire
10-28-99: FAIR Statement Prominent Progressives Suggest New Board Members for Pacifica
'99: Article on PNB meeting in Houston
'99: Video of Gary Evans serving the Board with the Listeners' Lawsuit
10-99: Pictures from CDP-NY Pacifica Teachin
9-99: The Pacifica crisis - Berekeley, PNB meeting


WBAI logo

The Theft of Pacifica Radio


Transcript of the Public Comments

At The Pacifica Governing Board
Meeting on February 28

'97-'99: Pacifica Board Transcripts
8-4-99: CdPNY actions page. The WBAI LAB protests to the PNB with CdPNY in soldarity
7-28-99: PNB member Pete Bramson statement regarding KPFA crisis
12-18-98: Presidential Advisory Commission Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television
6-15-97: Save Our Station (now CdPNY) statements to the PNB

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