Archived sections:
PNN strike
Official resolutions and statements of support
Archived articles:
2-4-04: Pacifica Affiliates PNB election notice
2-3-04: KPFA General Manager moves on
2-1-04: WBAI Election Supervisor Re-Qualifies Candidate
1-28-04: iPNB meeting on elections - notes
1-23-04: WBAI Budget committee notes
1-20-04: Write-in Votes Allowed
1-17-04: Take the challenge! The KPFA Candidate quiz
1-18-04: Controversy regarding campaign mailing to WBAI listener list
1-13-04: WBAI LSB election disqualifications and violations
1-10-04: WBAI General Manager on programming
1-10-04: WBAI staff programming retreat notes
1-6-04: Pacifica elections Late Ballot Procedure
1-5-04: WHO's WHO: WBAI Elections Slates and Candidates
12-18-03: WBAI Budget committee notes
12-17-03: WBAI/Pacifica elections discussion on
12-17-03: WBAI Program Council notes
12-16-03: New elections supervisor for WPFW
12-11-03: Pacifica Year End Income Statement [PDF -159kb] From
12-8-03: WBAI PD Plan tabled - Program Council notes
12-8-03: iPNB $5 membership plan not legal
12-8-03: More on the Pacifica financial crisis
12-7-03: iPNB teleconference meeting: report and minutes
12-5-03: WBAI Financial Crisis Report
11-29-03: Notice of 12-7-03 iPNB teleconference meeting
11-24-03: iPNB teleconference meeting draft minutes: Lydia Brazon (KPFK area) seated.
11-20-03: Matsimela email regarding the WBAI election
11-17-03: DRAFT Minutes - ipnb 11/17/03 meeting re waivers, etc.
11-18-03: iPNB Secretary: A call to join by Nov. 21, crisis report
11-16-03: WBAI GM Programming Changes and Reform Plan
11-16-03: Alert: Outrageous Police attack on activists of color in Brooklyn
11-14-03: WBAI layoffs delayed: Staff meeting notice
11-14-03: WBAI in Financial Crisis: brief report
11-13-03: List of WBAI paid staff, consultants and vendors
11-13-03: Opinion: Bankrupting WBAI and Pacifica ?
11-12-03: Single Transferable Voting - Max does the math
11-12-03: DRAFT Minutes - iPNB 11/12/03 meeting re bequest, national programming
11-10-03: TBWT: WBAI GM's former project is revitalized
11-10-03: Election Tasks for Pacifica Stations and GMs
11-9-03: WBAI UnPaid Staff registration notice and form
10-23-03: Court ruling: Final Pacifica elections schedule
10-20-03: National Election Supervisor on membership waivers
10-14-03: WBAI LAB member, activist Jon Cohen dies
10-7-03: iPNB member [WPFW area]Bert Lee passes away after a long illness.
10-6-03: The "Goodlight" discussion list - a statement and an appeal
10-4-03: Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally: KPFA crew shut out of broadcast
9-27-03: Latino protest: lack of inclusion at WBAI
9-25-03: Pacifica executive director elections announcement
9-22-03: Current article on Pacifica and the new bylaws
9-19-03: Sept.03 iPNB NYC meeting DRAFT minutes
9-19-21-03: iPNB meeting, NYC: meeting notes, minutes, info
9-19-03: Proposal for women's Equity at WBAI
9-19-03: Proposal for more for coverage of Pacifica news on Pacifica
9-18-03: WBAI/Pacifica elections primer
9-15-03: Court Confirms ratification of new Pacifica bylaws
9-12-03: Pacifica in court over bylaws, elections schedule
9-10-03: Unpaid producer's union meeting
9-9-03: Commentary on special iPNB meeting: Pacifica hijacked again? [minutes added 9-11-03]
9-9-03: WBAI LAB meeting notes
9-8-03: Pacifica appoints Elections Supervisor
9-5-03: Petition for Pacifica elections now
9-5-03: Request to iPNB for a strong elections support resolution
9-2-03: iPNB meeting minutes:
8-30-03: Pacifica bylaws etc: what is the reality these days?
8-26-03: Notice of Sept. 2 special iPNB meeting
8-26-02: Request for special iPNB meeting to set elections schedule
8-25-03: An overview of the adopted Pacifica bylaws
8-23-03: KPFK LAB approves Pacifica bylaws 12-11
The required approval of 2/3rds of the iPNB and 3 of 5 LABs
has now been achieved. Meeting audio at:
new Pacifica bylaws
NOTICE of new Pacifica bylaws
Pacifica bylaws committee chair statement
settlement agreement [mandating this bylaws revision]
"By-laws aren't political. They're how you run your
group. Anything else is a result of who you elect or put in charge."
-- Lila Hummel 8-23-03 [more on this]
8-18-03: iPNB Chair's notes from bylaws mediation in Chicago [updated 8-23-03]
8-16-03: WBAI unpaid staff call for new representative on Local Advisory Board
8-6-03: Update regarding upcoming bylaws mediation
8-4-03: KPFK LAB revote to pass Pacifica bylaws blocked by chair. Audio at:
8-3-03: Ed Herman Supports ratifying Pacifica bylaws Draft B
8-3-03: KPFK LAB receives 309 emails urging passage of Pacifica bylaws on Aug 4 , 18 against...
7-29-03: NYC Indymedia center article on Pacifica
7-27-03: August iPNB meeting postponed. Bylaws negotiation meeting scheduled
7-25-03: Pacifica audit complete
7-22-03: WBAI LAB votes no on bylaws - makes resolution
7-21-03:: KPFK LAB votes no on bylaws
7-20-03: With regard to racism at Pacifica
7-13-03: L.I. and N.J. Friends of WBAI ask LAB to ratify Pacifica bylaws
7-10-03: History of Race Relations at KPFA Berkeley
7-9-03: KPFT and KPFA LABs ratify draft B
7-9-03: WPFW LAB rejects Draft B
7-8-03: Pacifica elections primer
6-26-03: interim Pacifica national board meeting NOTES
6-25-03: How you indentify the 'diversity' of the programming?
6-24-03: KPFK LAB votes for bylaws Draft B
6-21-03: Website for Pacifica statistics:
6-21-03: More endorsements for bylaws Draft B
6-21-03: The bylaws debate at Pacifica
6-20-03: Repsonse to message sent to Pacifica affiliates re: bylaws
6-18-03: iPNB approves 6-26-03 conference call vote on bylaws - audio:
6-19-03: Drafts A, B, and C of proposed Pacifica bylaws
6-19-03: Draft comparison grid
6-13-03: WBAI 2003 fiscal year budget:
6-13-03: Appointment of WBAI's local election coordinator
6-11-03: KPFA and WPFW general manager changes
6-10-03: Diversity Language committee proposal and bylaws draft B side by side
6-10-03: Essay: Finish the bylaws revision process, Elections Now
6-9-03: In Favor of bylaws draft B
6-4-03: In Favor of bylaws draft A
6-9-03: Lani Guinier comments regarding Diversity language committee draft
6-9-03: Lani Guinier on Cumulative Voting
6-26-03: interim Pacifica national board bylaws meeting - NOTES
6-6-03: Cynthia McKinney on Proportional Representation
6-11-03: Diversity Language committee: "minority report"
6-9-03: iPNB conference call draft minutes - NYC meeting postponed
6-7-03: Notice of sSpecial iPNB via conference call meeting
6-6-03: KPFA Station Board reaffirms its support of Draft B
6-6-03: Diversity Language committee - final draft
6-5-03: Pacifica diversity bylaws language committee meeting audio:
6-4-03: Responses to Lawyer Lubell's review of Diversity language committee draft
6-3-03: WBAI LAB meeting audio:
6-2-03: Lawyer Lubell's review of Diversity language committee draft
6-2-03: "Full Representation" voting makes a difference in Scotland and Wales
6-2-03: The NYC "Unity Caucus" attacks, dominates WBAI airwaves
5-31-03: Diversity Language committee: Documents sent to the lawyers.
5-26-03: Rosenberg's DLC lawyer: conflict of interest?
5-20-03: Draft diversity language - Fertig's update
5-20-03: Draft diversity language - Hamanaka interpetation and discussion
5-17-03: KPFK Bylaws Subcommittee proposed changes to bylaws draft
5-16-03: Listener research: Listener rights and public information
5-15-03: Diversity bylaw language idea - from Spooner
5-15-03: KPFA and KPFT LABs endorse bylaws draft B
5-14-03: Diversity Language committee: Draft Language re: Bylaws
5-14-03: Diversity Language committee meeting: draft minutes
5-10-03: launches bylaws/governance section:
5-9-03: Pacifica's function: to increase listenership?
5-8-03: Bob Fass Special program on Pacifica bylaws revision: audio on
5-6-03: Pacifica Diversity Language Committee: lawyer's proposed language
5-6-03: Responses to lawyer's diversity language draft
5-6-03: Local station area elections coordinators appointed
5-1-03: Essay: Why Pacifica Listeners Need to Know What's Happening With Their Network
4-28-03: Is biased?
4-24-03: Is there anything wrong with appointed seats?
4-22-03: Proportional respresentation voting in the upcoming Pacifica elections
4-20-03: Are diversity bylaws risky?
4-19-03: Has the NYC "Unity Caucus" hijacked Pacifica?
4-18-03: iPNB phone meeting notes: iPNB further delays bylaws approval
4-18-03: iPNB phone meeting secretary draft minutes
4-18-03: WBAI LAB proposal and accusations
4-7-03: Is this how it is in WBAI land?
4-6-03: Pacifica National Elections Coordinator Hired
4-6-03: iPNB member in L.A. supports passing bylaws
4-2-03: Proposed Pacifica bylaws: drafts A and B
4-1-03: Statistics for KPFA apprenticeship program
3-29-03: Pacifica diversity bylaw committee related documents
3-10-03: iPNB Secretary's L.A. meeting notes and bylaws changes
3-7-03: March 7, 8, & 9 iPNB L.A. meeting: daily notes and audio
3-5-03: Proposed affirmative action policy from Carol Spooner
3-3-03: Pacifica chief financial officer appointed
3-3-03: Notice of 3-4-03 iPNB phone bylaws meeting
3-3-03: WBAI LAB Affirmative Action statement and proposed bylaw
3-3-03: A few responses to WBAI LAB Affirmative Action statement and proposal
2-28-03: "Corrected Final Draft" Proposed revision of Pacifica bylaws [180 kb html]
2-25-03: iPNB LA meeting postponed
2-19-03: Re: Carol Spooner and the free Pacifica movement - a little perspective
2-18-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting minutes
2-14-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting minutes
2-14-03: iPNB bylaws phone meeting info
2-13-03: The bylaws draft: Responses, resolutions and proposals
2-12-03: More diversity bylaw proposals
2-11-03: Pacifica bylaws draft - previous version [ 132kb html]
2-7-03: Pacifica executive director report
2-7-03: [Old]revised bylaws completion timeline
2-6-03: Props to Andrea Fishman
1-31-03: iPNB bylaws revision committee minutes/audio
1-30-03: WBAI general manager report to the listener
1-21-03: Bylaws draft responses etc.
1-21-03: Gender make-up of WBAI paid staff
1-18-03:: D.C. Peace rally on the Pacifica network
1-17-03: Revised and legally reviewed draft of proposed Pacifica bylaws
1-16-03: Situation worsens for WBAI reporter Farouk Abdel Muhti
1-14-03: Ethnicity figures of Pacifica listening areas
1-14-03: WBAI LAB proposes "In-reach" for elections
1-12-03: The 5 LABs vote on bylaws
1-9-03: Proposed diversity requirements and the law
1-3-03: Judge grants deadline extension
1-3-03: 1-3-03 iPNB personel committee meeting notes and audio
12-31-02: Matthew Lasar: dialogue oriented programming at Pacifica
12-30-02: WBAI report to the listener audio:
12-28-02: WPFW LAB vote on bylaws
12-18-02: Statement from new WBAI GM Don Rojas
12-21-02: Bylaws revision items for the 5 LABs
12-18-02: Pacifican Erling Rohde dies
12-17-02: WBAI LAB meeting audio and notes
12-17-02: WBAI LAB: what's going on??
12-15-02: Wonderwheel essay on community radio democracy
12/6-8/02: D.C. iPNB meeting NOTES, documents and audio
12-16-02: Race and Population Distribution in the WBAI Signal Area
12-12-02: Audio of WBAI LAB report:
12-11-02: The KPFA LAB votes on bylaws
12-8-02: iPNB statement to the FCC
12-7-02: Report on Pacifica Affiliates
12-8-02: Infighting threatens Pacifica
12-3-02: Five LAB votes on elections models
12-5-02: petition from the WBAI area "unity caucus"
12-3-02: Zakiya bylaws draft - from WPFW area
12-3-02: WBAI LAB meeting notes
12-3-02: 2 WBAI lab members' statements supporting the constituency model
11-29-02: How the KPFA elections model works
11-29-02: Hybrid elections proposal - final version
11-27-02: New general manager for WBAI
11-24-02: Pacifica bylaws drafts consolidation - REVISED IN HOUSTON [159kb MS Word ]
11-23-02: webmaster report
11/22-24/02: Houston iPNB bylaws meeting NOTES and documents,
11-20-02: WBAI area "Unity Caucus" responds to criticism of constituency model
11-11-02: Improving diversity in the KPFA elections model
11-10-02: Spooner analysis of Revised constituency model
11-9-02: Revised constituency model - spliced into proposed Pacifica bylaws
11-27-02: iPNB bylaws chair votes no on "hybrid" proposal
11-26-02: Revised Hybrid model is illegitimate
11-25-02: Hybrid elections proposal - revised
11-22-02: Pacifica fundraising report
11-20-02: Pacifica bylaws drafts consolidation - revised
11-20-02: Resolution re: WBAI on-air hosts on PNB
11-17-02: A view from the LAB minority on the constituency model
11-14-02: 11-14-02: WBAI LAB on morning show
11-14-02: Online petition: "Unencumbered Election of Boards"
11-12-02: WBAI bylaws subcommittee wants the KPFA model
11-9-02: EDITORIAL: The WBAI LAB and proposed elections policies
11-9-02: Constituency model difficulties
11-8-02: Repost: Petition for unified election procedures at Pacifica
11-8-02: Docs presented to the WBAI LAB 11-5-02 responding to the constituency model
11-5-02: Reaction to WBAI LAB support of constiuency model
10-31-02: Problems with the KPFK program director search committee
10-30-02: The controversy regarding KPFK station manager Eva Georgia
10-30-02: Approved Pacifica budget for 2003 (26 page pdf - 537kb)
10-26-02: The Pacifica Mission: what does it mean?
10-24-02: Qualifications for local and national board members?
10-24-02: Judge not by one's surface...
10-22-02: iPNB Bylaws Straw Poll votes in D.C. - Oct. 13-14
10-22-02: New schedule for next 2 upcoming iPNB meetings
10-22-02: An outsider's report on KPFT
10-21-02: A-Infos Radio Project, on-line Pacifica audio archive, Needs Your Support Now!
10-17-02: Free Speech Radio News update
10-14-02: Petition and documents calling for for unified Pacifica elections policies
10-13-02: Oct. 13-14 DC iPNB bylaws revision meeting daily notes and documents
10-13-02: "Unity Caucus" revised proposed pacifica statement of principles - revised
10-10-02: Small national straw poll on bylaws
10-9-02: Update: detained Palestinian activist/Pacifica reporter Farouk Abdel-Muhti
10-9-02: some response to statement of principles
10-8-02: Proposed Pacifica statement of principles - revised
10-8-02: A critique of the Constituency Model
10-5-02: Executive director Coughlin's plan for KPFK
10-4-02: KPFT controversy: Buzzanco speaks
9-27-02: Proposal for a Pacifica bylaws convention
9-21-02: interim Pacifica national board peace editorial
9-20-02: iPNB bylaws straw polls summary from Houston meeting
9-20-02: Houston iPNB meeting daily notes and documents
9-19-02: Constiuency/Inclusion model Pre bylaws draft and station board chart
9-19-02: The religious right is destroying public radio
9-13-02: Carol Spooner: Local verses national power
9-11-02: 9-11-02: Pacifica day-long national broadcast
9-10-02: Lopsided representation: iPNB composition chart
9-8-02: Reinventing the Folio
9-5-02: WBAI bylaws revision subcommittee straw polls as presented to iPNB
9-5-02: Null, Cagan, White, Van Isler on WBAI - audio
9-3-02: WBAI area "Unity Caucus" request time at upcoming iPNB meeting
9-2-02: Recent interim Pacifica National board meetings audio
9-1-02: Notes from iPNB bylaws revision meeting
9-1-02: KPFT bylaws revision subcommittee proposal [ 135kb ]
9-1-02: Study of gender make up at WBAI
8-31-02: Revised KPFA bylaws revision subcommittee proposal (B)
8-30-02: iPNB puts national office move to Berkeley on hold
8-29-02: Audio urls: Null, White, report to listeners, affiliates show
8-29-02: KPFK bylaws revision subcommittee proposal
8-27-02: Proposed compromise of relative powers of Local and National Boards
8-26-02: Audio of WBAI PD hosted bylaws show
8-25-02: Pacifica consolidated 4th Qtr. budget FY 2002
8-25-02: Report on iPNB finances meeting
8-23-02: Various upcoming iPNB phone conferencemeetings
8-23-02: WBAI Pacifica bylaws revision sub-committee straw polls-updated
8-22-02: KPFA organizational charts: staff by gender, race, income
8-22-02: Decentralization: How radical is Pacifica bylaws draft B?
8-19-02: Are Pacifica Local Advisory Boards being "Packed" ?
8-19-02: Proposed Union rights bylaw receives WBAI staff support
8-17-02: KPFA Diversity Committee Votes Support for annotated draft B
8-16-02: Some response to revised inclusion/constiuency model
8-16-02: Pacifica Public Meetings bylaw as integrated into Draft B
8-15-02: Pacifica management ethnic makeup
8-15-02: A Policy Governance model for organizations
8-13-02: From Houston: Weisgal bylaws draft based on drafts A and B
8-12-02: Annotated version of Pacifica Bylaws draft B
8-12-02: Inclusion/constituency model refined
8-12-02: KPFT bylaws outline
8-12-02: KPFK bylaws revision programming moves forward
8-8-02: New Pacifica National Bylaws online discussion group
8-7-02: WBAI program director report
8-7-02: Carol Spooner: Bylaws revision procedure update
8-6-02: WBAI LAB minutes for 8-6-02
8-6-02: Blanchet comparison chart for the 2 bylaws drafts
8-6-02: KPFK, WBAI - bylaws programming distress
8-4-02: KPFK area town hall meeting on August 4th
8-1-02: Beek overview of the 2 Pacifica bylaws drafts
7-27-02: Joe Kaye's: constituency model presentation, and some response
7-27-02: New e-group on Pacifica Diversity Resolution
7-25-02: the 2 bylaws drafts from Pacifica bylaws revision committee
7-23-02: Constituency/inclusion model(s): some back and forth
7-23-02: KPFK program council committee notes
7-23-02: iPNB Report on Democracy Now! agreement
7-22-02: 7-22-02 Meeting notes of the WBAI bylaws revision subcommittee
7-20-02: KPFA seeks program director
7-18-02: Ailing WBAI LAB member Jon Cohen: how to help
7-18-02: Pacifica bylaws revision on-air coverage
7-16-02: Other recent WBAI archived audio on-line (DN agreement discussion etc.)
7-16-02: Report: from iPNB special meeting regarding DN agreement
7-15-02: Executive Session of the iPNB to be held regarding DN! agreement
7-15-02: KPFK airs bylaws revision/governance programming
7-9-02: Democracy Now! statement regarding DN agreement
7-9-02: iPNB secretary's response to Democracy Now!'s response
7-6-02: Request for Special iPNB Meeting re: DN agreement plus legal analysis
7-7-2: Inclusion model of governance (constituency model updated)
7-5-02: iPNB secretary regarding Democracy Now! agreement
7-5-02: WBAI bylaws revision sub-committee straw polls summary
7-4-02: The Democracy Now!/Pacifica agreement
6-28-02: WBAI general manager search committee update
6-27-02: Regarding the Berkeley iPNB meeting and broadcast
6-21-02: Berkeley iPNB meeting daily notes and documents
6-18-02: proposals re: on-air policies for IPNB meeting
6-17-02: Pacifica Now! conference info
6-16-02: KPFK proposal for bylaws revision on-air coverage
6-14-02: Pacifica Executive director search update
6-14-02: Boston alternative radio news in trouble
6-13-02: Remembering Pacifican Jack Biello
6-12-02: Pacifica fundraising report
6-12-02: KPFA LAB June Treasurer's Report
6-10-02: Spooner Motions Re: Pacifica finances
6-9-02: KPFK bylaws subcommitee: "no appointed seats"
6-9-02: WBAI should broadcast the iPNB meeting
6-8-02: Free Speech Radio News update
6-7-02: June 21-23 iPNB Berkeley meeting info
6-7-02: Proposed Resolution on Race and Nationality at Pacifica
6-5-02: WBAI Report to the listener on-line
6-3-02: Choice-voting explanation and glossary
6-1-02: Pacifica Bylaws revision "bullet points"
5-30-02: WBAI advertises open General Manager position
5-29-02: Extensive elections procedure proposal (62kb)
5-28-02:KPFK gets new station manager
5-28-02: The constituency model
5-28-02: Some responses to the constituencey model
5-27-02: Bylaws revsion committee: May 31st deadline altered
5-26-02: Pacifica governance issues:need for national programming
5-22-02: Petition to Democracy Now! to cover Pacifica Bylaws revisions
5-22-02: Proposal for Pacifica Anti-Discrimination policy
5-18-02: KPFA: 2 proposed resolutions for the Pacifica National Board
5-18-02: East Timor independence broadcast: the CdPNY connection
5-12-02: Proposal for bylaws revision on-air reports
5-10-02: WBAI general manager search committee
5-9-02: Pacifica Matters: put it on the radio
5-7-02: Online audio of recent governance discussions on WBAI
5-6-02: Public input & giving notice: even the U.S. gov. does it
5-2-02: Pacifica hijacker has the nerve to demand your money?
5-2-02: Notes from special iPNB meeting on finances
5-1-2: "Pacifica Matters - a Culture for Democracy" a success
4-29-02: CF meeting: WBAI general manager search info
4-28-02: Pacifica issues: Put it on the radio!
4-26-02: WBAI reporter targeted by feds
4-20-02: Pacifica held all day national broadcast for peace live from D.C.
4-19-02: Some constiuency model talk
4-18-02: plenty of stuff a volunteer member could do
4-17-02: Notice of search for Pacifica executive director
4-16-02: 4-16-02 bylaws revision meeting audio online
4-16-02: KPFA program council report
4-15-02: Who gets to vote? Defining Pacifica may be the key
3-29-02: WBAI General Manager Search Committee
3-22-02: Friday (3-23)evening at WBAI: producer autonomy - opinions and editorial
3-22-02: Striking PNN Reporters ratify 3-10-02 agreement
3-22-02: 3-22-02 WBAI report to the listener audio on-line
3-22-02: Pacifica Bylaws revisions committee meeting info and relevent materials
3-21-02: KPFT has raised a record $300,000 so far in their fund drive.
3-20-02: The Pacifica struggle: What have we really won?
3-19-02: Houston Chronicle: Teresa Allen will appeal conviction
3-19-02: KPFA's programming council described
3-16-02: Pacifica "Mission Commission" being formed
3-14-02: TX: iPNB member wrongly convicted of trespassing on Pacifica property
3-12-02: Call for neutral bylaw writing facilitator for WBAI
3-8-10-02: LA iPNB meeting - Daily reports and documents
3-8-02: International Working Women's Day at WBAI
3-5-02: KPFA programming council report
3-5-02: Houston Radio Report: new issue out
3-5-02: Pacifica Accountants' Recommendations
3-3-02: "The Pacifica Experiment" on KPFK
3-2-02: WBAI area Outreach committees meet: minutes
3-02: "WBAI is Back" - flyer for download (78kb pdf)
2-28-02: Amazing historic national all day Pacifica broadcast rotates amongst studios at all 5 stations to
to fund KPFK's transmitter restoration.
2-27-02: KPFA LAB meeting report
2-27-02: KPFK interim General Manager responds to Marc Cooper
2-22-02: WBAI fundraising drive clears $1 million in pledges
2-20-02: "WBAI is Back" - palmcard for download (495kb pdf)
2-20-02: The Nation's (magazine) gone to hell
2-16-02: Pacifica Press Release - PNN is outta there...
2-16-02: KPFK: yet more spewage
2-10-02: Labor buyout deal at WBAI
2-16-02: begins to function again
2-5-02: Pacifica financial audit on-line as 863kb pdf file:
2-13-02: iPNB Secretary Carol Spooner reports
2-11-02: Friends of WBAI" newspaper from 1977!!
2-9-02: KPFK nudges forward
2-6-02: Interim Executive Director financial report
2-6-02: Houston moves forward
2-6-02: Hijacker Ferguson threatens to wreck Pacifica
2-1-02: Pacifica Campaign report: disturbing debt info
2-1-02: L.A. Times and New York Newsday coverage of Pacifica
1-30-02: World Economic Forum event info
1-30-02: WBAI 99.5 fm WEF coverage schedule
1-25-02: KPFK: Interim General Manager appointed
1-23-02: LAB, Pac Campaign, CF of WBAI and FSRN support lifting the boycott
1-23-02: iPNB secretary to CF regarding the Boycott
1-22-02: WBAI CF listener reps and management meet
1-22-02: MLK day in Houston
1-21-02: Unions at WBAI: Confused? Read this
1-21-02: Required reading: Pacifica struggle history repost
1-21-02: FREE SPEECH RADIO NEWS airs on WBAI background info
1-18-02: The Houston LABs combine
1-16-02: Report from the Pacifica Campaign
1-15-02: MLK day: Fired and Banned morning show is back at WBAI
1-15-02: Pretzel logic in Los Angeles
1-15-02: Report from iPNB secretary Carol Spooner
1-13-02: Monday morning: Back into WBAI
1-13-02: Concerned Friends democratization statement
1-13-02: Listener/staff proposals presented at iPNB meeting
1-13-02: Concerned Friends of WBAI press release and iPNB meeting overview
1-11-13-02: Interim Pacifica National Board meeting in NYC - schedule etc.
1-11-02: Acting Pacifica Executive Director Joanne Meredith resigns
1-11-02: the iPNB meeting DAILY REPORTS
1-11-02: Let's stay cool at the meeting
1-10-02: Judge rules: WIN WIN!!!
1-10-02: LAB happenings and resolutions: Houston, D.C., Los Angeles, and NYC
1-9-02: Houston reseats Barnstone on iPNB
1-9-02: Major Houston resignations
1-9-02: KPFK's outgoing "management": avalanche of Orewellian hysteria
1-8-02: WBAI replaces Democracy Now! with lies, distortions and racist manipulation
1-7-02: Judge delays ruling on the 3 resolutions
1-7-02: Monday morning: WBAI refused to air Democracy Now!
1-5-02: Background on disrupter/hijacker iPNB member Lee and pal Gregory
1-7-02: Pacifica executive director resumes due Weds.1-9-02
1-6-02: LAB Elections forum - Berkeley visits NYC
1-4-02: Barney Goodman has Resigned!
1-4-02: Democracy Now! returns to Pacifica Monday 1-7-02
1-2-02: The 3 iPNB resolutions before the judge
12-30-01: Help determine next Pacifica executive director
12-29-01: REPORT: Pacifica Foundation Interim Board meeting
12-29-01: Pacifica Foundation Interim Board Meeting info
12-28-01: Mike Feder really lets it rip on WBAI
12-28-01: The court rejects hijacker Ganter's appointment to iPNB (!)
12-27-01: Houston: Illegitimate LAB is trying to illegally stick us with Ganter
12-23-01: Pacifica listener efforts needed now more than ever
12-22-01: Audio xmas card from Houston
12-22-01: "Undoing the [WBAI] Coup" Party a big success
12-22-01: NYC, L.A. - more bannings
12-22-01: Carol Spooner report: lawsuits officially settled
12-17-01:Important bylaws motion passed by Concerned Friends of WBAI
12-20-01: Interim Pacifica
National Board appointees to be
12-17-01: KPFA Local Advisory Board Elections Results
12-17-01: Pacifica: set up a truth commission?
12-14-01: Press coverage of the settlement
12-14-01: Commentary: The Morning After....[ the settlement ]
12-14-01: Pac Campaign Update vs. The Question
12-13-01: Lawsuits settled: report from Carol Spooner
12-12-01: Lawsuits agreement reached in mediation
12-11-01: Utrice Leid RESIGNS Effective Immediately!!!
12-10-01: 2001: The hijackers drove away 40% of the listeners
12-8-01: 100K $till Needed!!! $25,000 matching fund for Listeners' Suit until Dec. 15
12-03-01:The hijackers are breaking the promises made in D.C. Contact them NOW
11-29-01: Concerned Friends of WBAI list of demands to the PNB
11-29-01: LAB meeting report from Houston
11-28-01: Scheduled Pacifica board mass resignation? No word yet.
11-28-01: A report from Los Angeles Local Advisory Board meeting
11-27-01:Text of 11-8-01 "Pacifica" national board resolution
11-26-01: Some pretty fancy footwork: Report on 11-26-01 WBAI LAB meeting
11-24-01: Carol Spooner on the PNB proposal
11-24-01: One cdpny Opinion: What needs to be next/what has been
11-22-01: Pacifica's current interm executive director is a robot
11-22-01: Don't these rats know how to swim?
11-19-01: Deja Vu: demands in D.C. look alot like Berkeley '99
11-18-01: REPORT FROM D.C. PNB MEETING: could this be it??
11-18-01: Pictures from the D.C. PNB meeting
11-16-01: Lew Hill's son speaks in D.C.
11-16-1: Friday evening: Brief report from "Pacifica" National Board meeting in D.C.
11-15-01: Fanny Mae email picket: Earthlink shuts us up! - Picket line reports
11-15-01: WBAI LAB to newly installed station manager: RESIGN NOW
11-14-01: Lynn Gerry: Getting Pacifica truly on track
11-14-01: Marion Barry: this is what the "Pacifica" national board looks like
11-14-01: David Giovanoni: how to destroy Pacifica
11-14-01: The railroading of the Public comment session in D.C.
11-14-0: JUST DO IT: Houston LAB election
11-12-01: D.C. meeting agenda: Renting out KPFA ???
11-11-01: It doesn't get any better than this...
11-9-01: 11-7-01 WBAI LAB meeting: an account
11-8-01: Mediations in CA end without signed agreement
11-7-01: Elections: a few models
11-6-01: "Pacifica" national board meeting in D.C Nov. 16, 17, 18 schedule and info
11-5-01: Concerned Friends of wbai coodinating committee: 2 resolutions
11-3-01: Nationally fired and banned at KPFK
11-2-01: "Pacifica" vice-chair resigns
11-2-01:Alice Walker & Studs Terkel appeal to fund FSRN
11-2-01: Boycott KPFK!
11-1-01: Pacifica Campaign report from D.C.
10-30-01: KPFA Elections: Meet the Candidates
10-25-01: Bessie W: wbai/"Pacifica" cranks up the explanations
10-24-01: 10 Free-Pacifica groups respond to new PNB chairman
10-24-01: Mediation of lawsuits set for November 1st
10-24-01: False bomb threat at KPFA
10-22-01: Pacifica Campaign report: more reasons to boycott
10-22-01: "Pacifica" vice-chair plans to sell kpfa and wbai
10-22-01: Community radio: a history and analysis
10-20-01: Free Speech Radio News does "Pacifica's" job: uncensored war coverage
10-19-01: KFPA: urgent concerns from Berkeley
10-19-01: Free Speech Radio News: letter to Farrell/chronology of censorship
10-19-01: Boycott statement from the Pacifica Campaign
10-19-01: wbai/pacifica boycott info
10-19-01: Oct. 19-21: webcasts series of Pacifica Campaign media events
10-11-01: Lawsuits matching fund
10-7-01: The 2 things...
10-6-01: Outrageous behavior in Houston
10-5-01: Let's just WIN.
10-4-01: How "Pacifica's " AFTRA man sucks
10-2-01: Democracy Now! letter to so-called Pacifica national board
10-3-01: The 5 new directors added to the listener lawsuit
10-5-01: A History of "Pacifica's" new chairman
10-1-01: Smells like rebellion: "Affiliates in Exile"
10-1-01: "Democracy - now in exile" back on NYC airwaves
10-1-1: 10-1-01: CF coordinating committee meeting minutes
10-1-01: L.A. Times editorial
10-1-01: Regaining Pacifica: What Now??
9-28-01: New "Pacifica" board chairman Farrell's address
9-27-01: Three WBAI Broadcasters Websites shut down by George Bush
9-27-01: KPFA: this is what elections look like
9-27-01: Concerned Friends of WBAI action/outreach meeting agenda
9-25-01: Pacifica Campaign report and comments
9-24-01: Email of the week: War and peace by Bill Weinberg
9-24-01: Lawsuit update and a pep talk
9-19-01: 9-19-01: "Pacifica" illegally stacks the national board with more of their pals
9-8-01: This is what wheeling and dealing looks like
9-20-01: Solidarity from Madison and Boulder for Democracy Now!
9-20-01: "Democracy - now in exile" on NYC airwaves Oct. 1
9-18-01: 9-18-01: Sucky day in court
9-18-01: "Pacifica" National Board meeting: what else you can do
9-17-01: The destroyer of WBAI's programming promoted to national program director
9-15-01: "Pacifica" National Board will meet to pack the board
9-15-01: Important court session moved to 9-18-01
9-14-10: Pacifica Campaign listing of alternative coverage
9-14-01: Saturday 9-15-01:Special world crisis program on KPFA
9-12-01: WBAI was off the air, sought ISDN
9-11-01: Pacifica financial information
9-10-01: Leonard Peltier speaks out in support of Democracy Now!
9-9-01: "Pacifica" national PD: if these are for real...
9-7-01: Bob Fass puts Amy Goodman back on WBAI
9-6-01: Norman Solomon: KPFA rocks - The Nation doesn't
9-6-01: Houston publishes 2nd "tabloid" and goes after KPFT "manager"
9-5-01: pro-Democracy Now! celebs are p.o.'d
9-4-01: "Pacifica" National Porn Director ?
9-2-01: KPFA elections: request for contributions
9-1-01: Legal update: motions filed
9-1-01: PR Nation
8-31-01: "Pacifica's" lame PR firm
8-30-01: Dueling NY Daily News op-eds
8-30-01: NYC leafletting campaign info
8-29-01: 6 "Pacifica" National board members try to restore Democracy Now!
8-28-01: "Pacifica" scabs Democracy Now!
8-28-01: National Day of Outrage for Democracy Now!
8-27-01: A chronology of "Pacifica's" harrassment Democracy Now!
8-25-01: Democracy Now!/AFTRA: LA Times piece and a speech
8-25-01: "Pacifica" national board member Farrell: RESIGN NOW
8-25-01: Viva la resistance in Champaign, IL !
8-24-01: Democracy Now! ... emergency hearing results
8-24-01: Democracy Now! ... Aftra gets a clue
8-23-01: Edwin Johnston beats "Pacifca's" outrageous lies in Houston
8-22-01: Democracy Now! court hearing report
8-22-01: More "Pacifca" National Board self-selection, Sept. 19
8-23-01: More AFTRA sleaze
8-22-01: Emergency Pickets for Democracy Now! at WBAI
8-22-01: Yasko's spin on "Pacifica's" attack on Democracy Now!
8-21-01: Democracy Now! staff statement 8-21-01
8-21-01: Democracy Now!:KPFA coverage Weds, 8pm ... Yasko's number
8-20-01:WPKN: solidarity in CT
8-20-01: WEOS: solidarity in Geneva, NY
8-20-01: DEMOCRACY NOW! in Court
8-18-01: Goodlight message boards
added for KPFA, KPFK, KPFT, and WPFW
8-18-01: A-Info (on-line audio archives) needs bucks
8-17-01: Stuff to do
8-16-01: Must be nice: KPFA LAB elections underway
8-16-01: Pacifica/Democracy Now! protest reports
8-14-01: DEMOCRACY NOW! in crisis
8-14-01: Carol Spooner on:
Democracy Now!,
8-13-01: So-called Pacifica renews efforts to pack the board 8-13-01
8-11-01: Striking PNN reporters' letter
8-10-01: Report regarding Democracy Now!
8-9-01: Free Speech Radio News (the real PNN) enters 4th month of daily casts
8-6-01: Brother Shine resigns from WBAI
8-3-01: Latest spewage from so called Pacifica national board
8-8-01: Vultures circling Democracy Now!
8-1-01: Health Action staff banned from WBAI
8-1-01: Patty's (CdPNY) 7-31-01 LAB meeting analysis
7-31-01: Goodlight moderator Frank's 7-31-01 LAB meeting impressions
7-29-01: Listener Sonia Rosen interviews WBAI staff (banned and not) on what's up
7-29-01: LAB member Mimi Rosenberg weighs in regardin elections
7-28-01: PNB: Important questions and points of information
7-27-01: Lawsuit update: In disarray and losing their grip
7-27-01: The cookie continues to crumble at WBAI
7-26-01: Open letter to the LAB from the Coordinating Committee of CF of WBAI
7-26-01: Free Speech stabbed in the back at WBAI...again
7-26-01: No, wait... a pro-election WBAI LAB member statement
7-25-01: Elections: How the WBAI Local Advisory Board really feels?
7-23-01: Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water...
7-22-01: Free Speech Radio news (the real Pacifica) witnessing hell in Genoa
7-19-01: More studpidity at 120 Wall St. (WBAI)
7-18-01: PNB member Andrea Cisco does everyone a favor
7-17-01: Great Reading: July 17 court transcripts
7-17-01: Court rejects so called "Pacifica national board" maneuver
7-16-01: Vigil in Brooklyn
7-16-01: Yow! Stop the packing of the "Pacifica" national board
7-15-01: "Security" at WBAI
7-15-01: Free expression on the high seas
7-12-01: So-called "Pacifica National board" aims to pull another fast one
7-12-01: Pacifica Campaign update - NAHB protests
7-10-01: Carol Spooner message (lawsuits)
7-9-01: Rule by Idiocy? - by Bill Wienburg
7-6-01: Nice Article on Pacifica
7-4-01: Noam Chomsky wants you to back Free Speech Radio News
7-3-01: 7-3-01 Pacifica Campaign Update
7-9-01: National day of action Against PNB member Ken Ford's NAHB
7-2-01: Post "Radio in Exile" strangeness on Long Island
6-29-01: Regarding negotiations with so-called Pacifica national board
6-29-01: PNB dissident members' memo to Board
6-29-01: 2nd Pacifica manager meeting picketed
6-29-01: Pacifica Managers secret meeting disrupted 6-28-01
6-26-01: "Pacifica" plans to waste more listener money attacking a free speech website
6-29-01: Keep the heat on national boardmember Andrea Cisco
6-21-01: "Pacifica" vice chair and the FBI
6-19-01: Call WBAI Stop the surviellence madness
6-17-01: Free-Pacifica/wbix at Clearwater festival
6-15-01: Important update from Carol Spooner
6-12-01: Pics and report on NYC forum on Pacifica
6-9-01: Pacifica Activists
Hang Banner in DC
6-8-01: Action against PNB member Ken Ford in CA
6-6-01: FSRN Airs Mumia; Launches 2nd Month
6-6-01: Stringers strikers puts things straight
6-01: The Concerned Friends of WBAI "Tabloid" at
6-6-01: Democracy Now! back on WBAI send flowers
6-5-01: Epstein Becker &Green Disrupted in NJ
6-5-01: Lawsuits Update
6-4-01: Activists march into WBAI control room
6-4-01: So called "Pacifica national board" to meet in NYC July 1st
6-1-01: CA Legislature Asks Pacifica For Records
5-28-01: Democracy Now! back on KPFK
5-23-01: Current Pacifica Management Is Full of Shit
5-22-01: Bylaws Amendments and the Lawsuits
5-22-01: Emergency National Day of Protest for Democracy Now!
5-21-01: Elections Committee letter to WBAI LAB
5-21-01: WBAI in exile webcast daily
5-19-01: Democracy Now! banned from WBAI/KPFK fund drives
5-18-01: Protester Meets w/ U. Leid
5-17-01: EBG disrupted
5-17-01: Democracy Now! still off the air !
5-16-01: Democracy Now! taken off the air
5-15-01: KPFK Elections Proposal
5-16-01: DC Hearings - Washington Postand on-line
5-15-01: Amy Goodman expelled from WBAI control room
5-11-01: Boycott Pacifica!: An Open Letter
5-10-01: Listener Lawsuit Hearings Tuesday, May 15
5-10-01: "Pacifica" attacks free speech websites
5-15-01: 5-15-01 DC Pacifica Hearings General & Travel info
5-3-01: National Board memo 5-3-01
5-3-01: Activists visit Epstein, Becker & Green
5-15-01: Micheal Palmer finally resigns PNB
5-1-01: banning: what it's like
4-28-01: Pictures of 4-28-01 rally in NYC
4-28-01: More 4-28-01 rally pictures
4-28-01: Lawsuits Update - Some Good News!
5-7-01: 5-7-01 City Council meeting info
4-25-01: KPFA LAB Supports the Listeners Boycott
4-23-01: "Pacifica" goes through with lawsuits against free speech websites
4-24-01: KPFA Reporter ousted from WBAI
4-19-01: NYC Central Labor Council endorses April 28th march
4-18-01: KPFA's Landau Responds to PNN Director
4-12-01: Listeners respond to the WBAI "Report to the listener"
4-6-01: Bessie Wash Suprise Visit to KPFA
4-6-01 :Edwin Johnston demands retraction
4-2-01: Edwin Johnston legal fund
4-1-01: Dissident PNB statement on violence
3-31-01: "Grandpa" Al Lewis fired at WBAI
3-29-01: Report on 3-29-01 NYC LAB meeting
3-28-01: Behind The News hijacked at WBAI
3-28-01: F.A.I.R. reports on censorship by Pacifica
3-28-01: More audio on-line
3-28-01: PNB member Beth Lyons resigns
3-26-01: Democracy Now hijacked!
3-23-01: Arrest at KPFT
3-23-01: AFTRA rejects boycott, PLU responds
3-23-01: News regarding 3-23-01 L.A.Panel Discussion event
3-19-01: Juan Gonzalez on his debate with John Murdock on Democracy Now!
3-13-01: KTRU Houston got their cool college station back!
3-13-01: Charges Dropped Against SF Protestors
3-12-01: Audio of amazing gag busting WBAI news report
3-9-01: Important discussion of Pacifica national board's latest maneuver
3-9-01: Mario Murillo resigns WBAI morning show - on air
3-8-01: URGENT: Update on NYC City Council resolution #1723
3-8-01: Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade under pressure
3-8-01: Congressman Major Owens wants your emails now!
3-5-01: National Organizing Committee
3-5-01: Building Bridges Pulled off the Air !
3-4-01: Reports from Houston
3-2-01: Dissident Pacfica national board members agenda requests
3-2-01: Info for March 2-4 Pacifica nat'l board meeting in Houston
3-2-01: Houston Chronicle report on demo
2-28-01: Mumia audio regarding WBAI/Pacifica airs on Democracy Now!
2-27-01: WBAI/UE Local 404 files Unfair Labor Practice charges
2-22-01: GOOD
NEWS regarding the LAWSUITS!
2-21-01: www.wbaifree.orgnow also under attack!
2-20-01: nice pictures of N.J. EBG demo
2-20-01: link to photos from NYC EBG protest
2-17-01: bylaw-petition.pdf -download (12.6kb)
2-15-01: NYC City Council resolution #1723 to support WBAI
2-15-01: NY Activists Disrupt Epstein, Becker & Green Seminar!
2-14-01: Democracy Now! CENSORED at WBAI.
2-13-01: Amy Goodman and Robert Knight Reportedly off morning show.
2-12-01: "Pacifica" attacks free speech websites
2-9-01: LA and Houston updates
2-8-01: Mumia weighs in
2-7-01: STOP the removal of the financial records!!!
2-6-01: STOP the bylaw changes
1-25-01: Bill Weinberg's letter to Newsday
1-24-01: Information on civil disobedience arrests in NYC
and San Francisco
( adapted from
1-21-01: pictures from Jan.21 Pacifica rally in DC
1-19-01: Audio Interviews on WPKN's Between The Lines.
Bernard White, terminated WBAI Program Director
Utrice Leid, Interim WBAI General Manager
Leslie Cagan - Pacifica National Board Member
1-18-01: WBAI Union Statements
1-17-01: Transcript of Bernard White's interview
with Fired Station Manager Valerie Van Isler on Radio Vision, Cable Channel 34
1-6-01: Photos of January 6th Rally
1-6-01: Listeners' Lawsuits Documents
12-29/30-00: He Said - She Said - transcripts
Bernard White and Utrice Leid Speak Out about the WBAI crisis
12-27-00: PUNKCAST videoclips
Dec. 27th Strategy Planning Meeting of Concerned Friends of WBAI
12-25-00: Christmas Tales - Ready for comic relief?
12-22-00: memos to staff
12-24-00: A
two hour special on KPFA on the Save
Our Station MissionWBAI Coup
Featuring: Dennis Bernstein, Bernard White, Sharan Harper,
Erroll Maitland, Grandpa Al Lewis, Tomas Moran,
Sherry Gendelman, Barbara Lubin
12-23-00: The Christmas Coup at WBAI
12-22-00: Report of Dec. 22 takeover
the historical documents :o)
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