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WMBR Co-News Director response to PNN 4-26-01 (below)

Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 06:26:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: Shannon Gilson - sigilson@yahoo.com
To: news@TURNTABLE.mit.edu, news-staff@TURNTABLE.mit.edu
Subject: News Piece

News staff,

My name is Shannon Gilson and I'm a reporter with Pacifica Network News. I am looking for a reporter to do piece about the student protests at Harvard. I'd like it for today, but if a same-day turnaround isn't feasible, I'd take it for tomorrow's newscast.

You'd be compensated, of course. Our deadline is 3:30 p.m.

Please call me. I can be reached at 202-588-0988 ext. 323.


Shannon Gilson


WMBR response:

Hi Shannon,
Thank you for contacting us. Please do not take this personally, but we are already filing a story for Free Speech Radio News. We were once affiliated with Pacifica, but cancelled our contract in part because your management has refused to negotiate with the reporters who have since started said newscast.

As I see it, the situation has only gotten worse, with continued bannings, gag rules and firings at WBAI.

If the network from which you are employeed should return to it's progressive mission, we would be happy to become an affiliate again and file stories for you. Good luck in finding a reporter in our area, but I can assure you it would not be from our station.

Chuck Rosina
WMBR Co-News Director

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